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poker.co.uk raked hands


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Re: poker.co.uk raked hands I earnt the $100 bonus on Sporting Odds incredibly quick. Bit of 5c/10c and especially 0.25/0.50 Turkish Stud as you contribute to every pot and and it's far more interesting than boring old Holdem. However on Virgin I gave up as you have to rake a certain amount of money and low stakes Doob was never going to do that. :)

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Re: poker.co.uk raked hands I cleared the $100 SO bonus, but there are two differences with Poker.co.uk. SO's only took 500 hands and they released it $10 per 50 hands. Poker.Co.Uk's takes 1000 hands and they will release it $20 after the first 200, then $80 after the next 800. I've just got my first $20 and am on the long slog towards the final $80.

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