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BetFred Million Dollar Tourny

Guest gazza271

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Guest gazza271

Right I dont think enough attention has been payed to this tournament and in my humble opinion I think we have enough PL'ers who are of a good enough standard to make the final. I know a few of us entered tonight and earnt a free entry to another qualifer and Kevsul knocked out a bounty and gained a bye to the semi's. I for one am going to spend a bit of time and monet trying to qualify for this, The money on offer is just to good to pass. Anyone playing any qualifers etc put you're updates on here.

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Re: BetFred Million Dollar Tourny Hmmmm ....... my view on it is that it is a large prize, but not necessarily value...... Tonights game was value, because there our $5.50 bought us a shot at the bounties, a $3.30 entry and a possible overlay with one final place guaranteed ...... However - there will be VERY good players (professional players!!) in the final - we will all be below average players - and if we pay "full price" for entry we won't be getting good value for our money (though of course we will be getting the dream!!!) Just my opinion - I don't mind playing games like tonights, but don't want to pay "full price".......because my expectation is negative

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Re: BetFred Million Dollar Tourny I've tried a few of the freeroll qualifers and it's tough, not 'cos the competion is great (although it will be in the latter stages) but because of the all in nutters. Of the ones I've managed to get into I've finished 52, 47 and 17. Otherwise I've been out raised all-in by some idiot with nothing (both pre and post flop) who's then caught the turn AND flop. If you can get through the muppets it's well worth a punt.

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Guest gazza271

Re: BetFred Million Dollar Tourny Fair and valid points there GaF, My view is that i'm going to put $25 into my BetFred account and see if i can "live the dream" that we have talked about on other thread about WSOP etc. My opinion is also that seeing some of you guys here and looking at PB's etc that the stronger players on here are not going to embaress themselves and will stand a decent chance of making the money and, given the right cards, live the dream:D

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Re: BetFred Million Dollar Tourny

I just feel that if we play against the pros in this' date=' we can see how good we really are, as there should be very few idiots raising with rags, and respect will be high for most players[/quote'] True enough if you're talking about buying in at the later stages but the freerolls and $3.30 buy ins treat as a low price normal MTT.
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Re: BetFred Million Dollar Tourny I don't think anyone here would embarass themselves in a major tourney (especially an online one where they cant make a string bet :p) But I would expect the Pro's to come good against us ....... ESPECIALLY if there are big starting stacks and slow blinds (which I am assuming there will be)........

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Re: BetFred Million Dollar Tourny Went out 43rd in tonights - all the usuals from the BF Champions League games seem to be in it . Number of punters who rebuy and rebuy and rebuy is amazing - especiallly as I assume the rebuy doesn't get you any extra $3.30 discount tokens :D . Got message saying that they'd increase bounties whem it got down to 20 left in (an extra $50) and then again when it got down to 10 ($100). At about the 60 players stage all 3 remaining bounties were on 1 table - not mine unfortunately (mind you they all had more chips than me so it didn't matter). People watch poker on TV , BridKid (a regular) immediately spotted me on 1st table from my appearance on last nights Spin Palace game. Fame at last :rollin .

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Re: BetFred Million Dollar Tourny

I just feel that if we play against the pros in this' date=' we can see how good we really are, as there should be very few idiots raising with rags, and respect will be high for most players[/quote'] we're as good as the pros we just haven't had the lucky break they've had- keep trying - :cow
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Re: BetFred Million Dollar Tourny

I don't think anyone here would embarass themselves in a major tourney (especially an online one where they cant make a string bet :p) But I would expect the Pro's to come good against us ....... ESPECIALLY if there are big starting stacks and slow blinds (which I am assuming there will be)........
Sort of like the Tikay's Tourney on Sporting Odds then...... Nah, mate you're right - we'll never do well. :tongue2 ;) Well, sod it! £20 should get you about $34. Thats my budget/buy-in. I'll deposit when Martyn spams this thread - you know he will soon enough.;)
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Re: BetFred Million Dollar Tourny Would Anyone Like To Play In A Bet Fred Million $3.30 Satellite? If You Took Part In The Match Of The Day, Your Token For One Of These Should Be There Now.... If We Get A Few Players From Pl In The Same Qualifier, We Should Have A Great Chance Of Someone Getting Entry Into The Semi Final..

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Re: BetFred Million Dollar Tourny when you click to enter, it gives you 3 options on the side, cash, points or token, and if you have a token, it will say so in the box along side There are tables of 10....which would mean if we had 10 players, were guaranteed 1 person in the semi final or multi tables, with 1 place in semis for every 10 players

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Re: BetFred Million Dollar Tourny I know the feeling, short stacked after calling with AK beaten by jacks who went all in preflop. So I go all in with A10S get called by 10-2o guess what happened on the river after the flop came with a 10.....:puke PPS. It was one of those americans ThePro19 keeps on about:rollin

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