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identify Cheats, duplicate accounts, and foreign Chat


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Re: identify Cheats, duplicate accounts, and foreign Chat I sent the same picture to SO yesterday and this is tha anwser I got today from Joe Legge: Arthur, I'm sorry that you feel that previous complaints have not been dealt with. I am aware that multiple registrations is a regular bug bearer with many SportingOdds players and thus I'm attempting to do as much as possible to eradicate the issue. We had actually already spotted this blatant multi registering and are in the process of taking action against the account holder. Thanks for the e-mail - we really need and appreciate players help in stopping these people. Regards, Joe And yet today the same :puke. Sorry but that was my last time I bothered.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: identify Cheats, duplicate accounts, and foreign Chat I have sent off another batch of cheats to SO and within 2 hrs had this response Dear Lynn, Thank you for contacting SportingOdds. I can assure you that your information is greatly appreciated and the accounts you have listed are being closed as you are reading this. We try very hard to keep the poker room clean from cheating and the planned upgrades in the future will help us to achieve this. Once again thank you for your vigilance. Any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us again. Kind Regards Harry Customer Care Team SportingOdds.com :clap

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Re: identify Cheats, duplicate accounts, and foreign Chat I agree with Morl. I just played in Safety and I was at the table with one of cheats twice (different name). Yes, you guesed Koci. We mentioned this name so many times over last 6 months, I couldnt count. Yet in todays Safety you have again: koci koci67 kocika kocika1 TBH, it doesnt bother me any more. Im there to get my money :ok.

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Re: identify Cheats, duplicate accounts, and foreign Chat

I may be wrong (if I am Gaf will say so)' date=' but I think Joe Legge spends every morning at work going through the entry register for the Safety Net, and investigating the suspicious multi-reggers.[/quote'] If thats the case then its clear he needs more help. Its not like their difficult to spot, I mean half of them might as well have registered as "this is my first account, this is my second. . etc.etc.
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  • 1 month later...

Re: identify Cheats, duplicate accounts, and foreign Chat have emailed this to sporting, but best post it here as well I asked them what they thought of possible collusion and how could they reassure me that their site was clean - as yet I have only had the 'we thank you for your email and i has been passed onto the relevant department' email repsonse cheers Damo ********************************* game no: 29542624 $50 STT full table players daniel7777 and rain666 were speaking fairly often (not in English!!) and early on in the game MSN was mentioned more than once

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Re: identify Cheats, duplicate accounts, and foreign Chat Well i am really upset about this shit. It is true that there are thousands of those losers with multireg etc. But for god's sake i know a few good nice clean hungarian players who are not like that. Maybe if they ban all hungarians they should check those who has for eg over 100$ on their account because that is for sure non multiregers. Also check that this multireg and non eng chat is only on safety. Maybe just ban Hun ppl from sfety. I am soo afraid of that i have to move out form this shit country if i want to play online poker :S This SUXXXXX. And i cant help my self.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: identify Cheats, duplicate accounts, and foreign Chat I have to compliment Betfred on the speed of their response. Yesterday I was playing on a table where one guy 'gronno2' kept spamming with an infected site name. I took a screen shot, sent it in with a complaint but then got involved more tourneys so didn't bother checking my mail. Around midnight, I checked my email and had had a reply from Betfred within 5 minutes saying that they couldn't open the screenshot and did I have the username. I resaved the screenshot and sent it again. Response within 5 minutes saying they took this very seriously and promised they'd investigate ..... personal email back within 5 minutes at midnight is a good service I'd say. Edit: Giz ..... he was an Aussie ..... stay calm ;)

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