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something dodgy


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Re: something dodgy

rednutt ive tryed to do that through the link it wont work ive got screencatcher the shots are on my desktop how do i get them from my desktop to my reply CAN SOMEONE PLEASeTELL ME HOW TO PUT MY SHOTS ON PLEASE
You should be able to click browse and select desktop and select the file u want then click host it.
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Re: something dodgy :rollin :rollin . Talking about dodgy. I have just played 2 tables 0.25/50 on SO, $20 each. I lasted 20 minutes on both of them. I had 3x AA, everytime flop with shit and still everytime someone hit trips to low pair. And other 2 times having top pair with high kicker I lost to AA both times. Bad beat? On SO? Make it what you will, but Im well fuked off :@.

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Re: something dodgy

I didn't know about this thread. I'd post in it!! I love it when it happens cos it reminds you that it goes both ways. That's poker. :ok Now where's that thread again, cos last night I busted Pocket KK's on P4E (after he'd specifically warned me he was going AI! :lol ) with AJs by hitting 2 spades on the turn and river! :D
http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=17220&highlight=Bad+beat+beauty There you go mate, knock yourself out!:ok sherry. Try this post here; http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=19166
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Re: something dodgy my point exactly I have just watched 20 hands on SO and no Ace flopped - shocking........:eyes Damo :cheers ps sorry, not trying to be faecitious here but 20 hands is just not a large enough sample size, 20 million maybe but not 20

:lol :lol :lol :lol What would 20 hands prove?:unsure :unsure You could get AAA on 20 consecutive flops, would it mean anything?:tongue2
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Re: something dodgy the problems i have can be summed up in the last game i played... i get a good hand and the nob in front of me raises all in. fold i get another decent hand and the flop is awfull, all low or pairs. the nob in front of me goes all in. i fold i get a good hand and raise. the nob infront of me calls and hits strips on the board and goes all in. i fold. i get pocket jj. ( happened three times today ) i am short stacked so i go all in...still a decent stack. the two nobs in front call. both hold a k or a 10. ace hits the river. i know this is totally paranoid but this has happened in 5 out of 6 games today. i am a patient player and wait for the good hands and fold if i suspect i am behind. then the software deals me a top hand on 5 seated table and i get callers sharing cards. essentially there are three aces out and about on a 5 handed table. must be unlikely but they get them and hit one on the board. i feel as though the software is playing against me... trying to find a way to get my chips off me! now that IS paranoid. A player who wins loads one day without being loose and bad beating loads can't surely lose every game the next by playing the same way.

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Re: something dodgy u guys are pi44 takers i went on the table with 5 bucks to prove a point and get some snaps.my point is that since the software upgrade on will hill ive never seen so many pairs hit the board. robo u must be a pro u gobshite with ur sarcastic remarks i play on small tables cause im still learning the game unlike you, you have probably forgot more than gus hansan start to show people a little respect!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: something dodgy Sherry I am by no means a piss taker See my first post on this subject - pairs happen all the time and non of the time, its all to do with mathematics. anyone who has played for a while will have all seen it over that time and all the other weird flops, so please don't waste your money 'proving' your theory by posting a few screen grabs I'll post a shot I have just taken :) Damo :cheers

u guys are pi44 takers i went on the table with 5 bucks to prove a point and get some snaps.my point is that since the software upgrade on will hill ive never seen so many pairs hit the board. robo u must be a pro u gobshite with ur sarcastic remarks i play on small tables cause im still learning the game unlike you, you have probably forgot more than gus hansan start to show people a little respect!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: something dodgy you no how i was talking about the board pairing all the time well this one jumped up and bit my arse!!!!!!! RIGHT........ in bb on 25p/50p cash game everybody folds to the button he limps in sb calls i check with 24 off flop A J 5 we all check turn 3 ibet at the pot a £1 player on the button reraises me to £2.50 with no flush on the board i reraise and he moves all in wot should i do i have the nuts well i think i do!!!! i go all in bout £45 he turns over AJ yippee 6 outs he as and 2 pair im laughing with my straight and guees what a god dam A on the river was this bad play by him or me i av no idea i know is that i swicthed off and went to bed!!!!!:cry them pairs on the board again!!!!!:lol :lol :lol

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