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something dodgy


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the past few days ive been playing on will hill ive noticed that almost every flop a pair hits the board ive counted 12 out of 20 hands now thats a miricle!!!!!!!!!! not only that it is giving rubbish player a better shot at making a hand too many times i ve seen bottom pair beat off top by makin a set if any of u guys play on the network can u give me some feed backas this as only started since the software upgade:ok

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Re: something dodgy first off - small sample size second off - its called probability third off - how you won a few quid :) Damo

the past few days ive been playing on will hill ive noticed that almost every flop a pair hits the board ive counted 12 out of 20 hands now thats a miricle!!!!!!!!!! not only that it is giving rubbish player a better shot at making a hand too many times i ve seen bottom pair beat off top by makin a set if any of u guys play on the network can u give me some feed backas this as only started since the software upgade:ok
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Re: something dodgy I have no wish to turn this into an argument or fulfil Danno's conspiracy theory of fixed sites, however.....:ok I have just played a STT and not once did a pair hit the board, so how many hands did we play - 60/70? (maybe a few more) you remember the 'odd' things that happen on a flop like high cards (KQJ), pairs, flush flop etc, not the ordinary rainbow flop/board. It is probalility, as in monkeys typewriters and shakespeare - at some point cards will flop like this just like after a million billion years a monkey will type the complete works of shakey :) see another 100,000 flops and report back ;) Damo :cheers ps. what is odd is why I keep coming 2nd in the short table turbo's at SO? last 8 games and counting, I reckon something fishy is going on.....:tongue2

now u play or watch its not probability trust me pal i won a few quid and lost but thats not my point
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Re: something dodgy I have mentioned this theory about SO Sherry and just been stung by it myself. AA called by K9 and 99J on the flop. Then JJ called by 55 and 5 coming on the river. I know what Damo is saying but I have justv played STT and we had pairs on the flop in about 6 hands at least. and it always seems to happen when some poor soul has pocket pair.

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Re: something dodgy Hang on while I put my paranoid head on ....... :D :D :D I reckon Nordic hates me and is biased toeards Scandanavian players ... for the past week I've been qualifying (at vast expense in time) via raked hands for their $3500 freerolls - less than 300 entries per freeroll - 70 places paid in each one and I haven't won a cent. Its not as though I've played badly - time after time after time badbeats, if I go all in with KK some muppet will stay with Ax and hit an ace on the river , if I go all-in with AK after a flop of Axx then someone will stay with A2 and hit a 2 on the flop (thats the sort of thing I'm talking about) and its always someone from a Nordic country (aggressive Viking types). Now lets switch back to sensible head..... It's just a run of bad luck (sorry a probability swerve) and muppet free-rollers and in the end it will all come right ..... Still it hurts :cry :cry :cry - can someone nuke one of the Nordic countries please (not the one with Penelopeys in) to make me feel better (would the world really miss IKEA :lol ). Glad I got that off my chest :ok

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Re: something dodgy I think stories like this are a kind of inverse gambler's fallacy. The chances of any flop on any hand has absolutely no dependance on the previous flop in the same way as a roullette wheel landing on red or black has absolutely no bearing on subsequent spins. You could flop quads 3 times in a row and say 'wow it's obviously fixed' but when did you start counting from? and how far into the future are you willing to count? I'd stake my house on flopping quads 3 times in a row being pretty insignificant over the millions of hands dealt each day.

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Re: something dodgy

it would mean they werent shuffled:lol i know no one belives this thread even thou they would give me a chance to prove im not talking poo!!!:ok im going to get some screen shots to pee on ur bonfire
Don't you see you can't prove anything and you are talking poo? Something bizarre happened to me yesterday I went 40 hands without seeing a single face card or A, obviously dodgy as there are 16 in every pack!
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Re: something dodgy

That's only about 6 hours play from a single network. What would that prove?;)
I had a couple of extra 0's on but wondered where he would host them all:unsure
now u are talking poo no face cards in 40 hands that has got to be a world record
That is poo. It's all fixed. I'm off to sue the random number generators:tongue2
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Re: something dodgy

i think u are trying to pi$$ me off stop talking rubbish i posted this thread to get some feedback i dont need a pilock like u giving me aggro:@ so give it a rest pal unless you can prove there is nothin in my theory
You got some feedback pal. Online poker is not fixed. And unless you've got history from about 5,000,000 hands analysed to prove your 'theory' then take your moaning to the badbeat thread http://punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=16842&highlight=badbeat :)
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Re: something dodgy

i think u are trying to pi$$ me off stop talking rubbish i posted this thread to get some feedback i dont need a pilock like u giving me aggro:@ so give it a rest pal unless you can prove there is nothin in my theory
Ahem. Calm down Sherry! You know that you are making a widespread comment on such a miniscule amount of data that people have a right to, and will, point out the obvious misrepresentations. Even if you play poker for 24hrs on a site you still only see a tiny, tiny portion of all hands dealt. Online players have a tendency to forget or not know about the freak flops that even happen on the WPT/WSOP final tables. They also have at their fingertips all the information to 'prove' their theory, due to hand histories. There is, as well as a bad beat thread, the opposite thread where people got lucky (not the 72o thread) and cracked premium hands. No one posts in there even though I tried to revive it because NO ONE wants to admit they get their 'share' in their favour, but take great delight in blaming this programmers' RnG. Currently we have unrealistsic/fixed sites at Sporting odds (Boss Media), cryptologic and Victor Chandler (Tribeca). :\
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Re: something dodgy

no face cards for 40 hands is a REGULAR occurance if you play as often as some of us. such as not hitting a set in 100 pockets' date=' it happens, odds predict it will eventually[/quote'] Last night in the dollar up I went nearly 2hrs without a pocket pair, and had KK twice in nearly 3 hours of play. No other playable pair.
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Re: something dodgy

There is, as well as a bad beat thread, the opposite thread where people got lucky (not the 72o thread) and cracked premium hands. No one posts in there even though I tried to revive it because NO ONE wants to admit they get their 'share' in their favour, but take great delight in blaming this programmers' RnG.
I didn't know about this thread. I'd post in it!! I love it when it happens cos it reminds you that it goes both ways. That's poker. :ok Now where's that thread again, cos last night I busted Pocket KK's on P4E (after he'd specifically warned me he was going AI! :lol ) with AJs by hitting 2 spades on the turn and river! :D
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