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Sign up for Copenhagen Turney here


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Hi everybody The first positive replys to my PL turney in Copenhagen has arrived. On this thread you can sign up if you are planning to join in. The dates are August 25th 26th and 27th.... GAMERULES: stt or small mtt (depends on players) Blinds go up like they do in SO. Starting stack: 1500 chips Buy in: 25 kroner for 1 game (almost 5 dollars) It's a loong weekend, don't wanna spend it all friday.... :nana It'll be a blast :drums

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Re: Sign up for Copenhagen Turney here

do we have a format for this please? buy-in/ blind structure/ starting stack /types of games/max number of players etc Just wondering Damo :cheers
No, we have not... feel free to give examples. I imagined something like stt's in SO... same starting stack, same blinds etc. Or if we are a lot, (which I don't think) a small mtt... Buy in somewhere between 5 and 15 dollars?? Don't know how much you normally play for... For me this turney is not about the money... but the PRIDE :nana ..... ...and the fun ;)
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Re: Sign up for Copenhagen Turney here

I shalln't be there' date=' but you might be better off having buy-ins in Danish currency, roughly the equivalent of $5, £5 or whatever yoiu decide, because I very much doubt anyone will go to denmark with US dollars. Just a thought!:ok[/quote'] Too bad Pro... But of cource it will be in Kroner... or pounds
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Re: Sign up for Copenhagen Turney here

Pene, i dunno if ya saw the goal poker win, but with me now off to Ibiza in july, and vegas/egypt in nov its gonna be tight, ill put my name down along with a mate, and if anything changes ill let you know. make that 2 yes's for now hun!
No, I didn't see that...what did u win?????????? ....hope u gonna make it here :ok
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