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any escape?


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Re: any escape?

yep. I wouldn't have entered into the hand in the first place with 95 (suited or not). Other than that, you were just unlucky that you got flush chasers calling your all-in that then hit the flush :(
My thought's exactly Blade - no way is that a starting hand unless you're on the BB. Would probably have folded it on SB too... why waste 30 chips??? You would have only been going for long shots of 2 top pair, straight (which you did hit, but a bad board) or a flush. If you had hit only one pair, then you would have to ask yourself where you stood? And the answer really is "nowhere"! Anyway, once you had paid to see the flop, again, it was a dangerous board, and whether you are all-in or not, others will chase if there's any chance of getting something. And they did. That's typical internet poker for you. So, basically, everything was wrong. :)
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Re: any escape? yeah i've heard the i wouldnt call it from my housemates but i was on a bit of a winning streak that entire stack there went from 40 (AA got busted) to 1100 in 2 hands with 5/6 suited and 10/8 suited, (56 suited beat aces, shame i only had 40 chips in that pot) so i figured it'd be worth a call and see but once i hit that flop, was there another option than all in, should i have waited to see if the flush came? with them betting 240 a time i figured i'd have ended up all in anyhow by the river

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Re: any escape?

yeah i've heard the i wouldnt call it from my housemates but i was on a bit of a winning streak that entire stack there went from 40 (AA got busted) to 1100 in 2 hands with 5/6 suited and 10/8 suited, (56 suited beat aces, shame i only had 40 chips in that pot) so i figured it'd be worth a call and see but once i hit that flop, was there another option than all in, should i have waited to see if the flush came? with them betting 240 a time i figured i'd have ended up all in anyhow by the river
Another reason why I would have folded. 'Winning streaks' very seldom last in online poker when you're playing rubbish cards. They very seldom last when you play good cards! You had already played 2 rubbish hands and won. Law of averages says it was time to lose. And to answer your last question, if you'd checked, I don't think the flush draw would have bet until he'd hit. Having said that, i guess the straight was difficult to get away from.
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Re: any escape? Sorry mate, I would have folded pre flop, although I understand your state of mind at the time having made similar great come backs then cocked it up. But, seeing as you are in there the last thing you should have done is go all in. When I see this I see someone with a strong pocket pair who is trying to scare people off the draw, or as someone with top pair+good kicker/2 pair. Beep the eventual pot winner could have thought you were chasing the flush and trying to buy the pot there and then, and with KJs he quite rightly thought if the flush hit he would be a big favourite. Had I been in that hand I would not necessarily have wanted to undo all the good work done, and I would have been quite happy to have called the 240, knowing that if another diamond hit I could lay it down. At the same token if some one raised after then you would have no choice but to take a chance, but only if forced all in. Unlucky mate. :(

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Re: any escape?

yep. I wouldn't have entered into the hand in the first place with 95 (suited or not). Other than that, you were just unlucky that you got flush chasers calling your all-in that then hit the flush :(
Have to agree here that this post sums it all up 95 is not a playing hand unless on BB without a preflop raise Anyway after playing - you did all you could do to make the flush chasers pay to call and unfortunately one did and landed it After the flop - you were just plain unlucky :\:\
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Re: any escape? lesson 1 - fold the pile of shite (unless you are limping from the sb for one bet and the great pot odds) lesson 2 - bet 2/3 to full pot on the flop, not all in. Why? because with 2 cards to some people will call your all in for their flush draw. lesson 3 - shove the turn, no scary flush card hits and only a real muppet will call to hit their flush with only one card to come (see lesson 2 for the explanation) lesson 4 - DONT CALL WITH SHITE CARDS OOP ;) (esp when the blinds are so low and you have a decent stack) Damo :cheers

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