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I Hate Cash Games


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Just screwed up my entire bankrolll built up from STT's on a stupid cash table :cry :cry :cry :cry Check this for a beat.... Hand id : 5026770-71274 Board cards : 4s 5d 8s Qc 4d Side pot 1 : $389.04 PLHayward2k ....... 8h 8c L0VEJ0Y ....... 4c 4h L0VEJ0Y wins $389.04 with Four of a kind: 4s Main pot : $123.78 PLHayward2k ....... 8h 8c Dkizzle ....... 7h 7d L0VEJ0Y ....... 4c 4h L0VEJ0Y wins $123.78 with Four of a kind: 4s I went all in on the flop. other 2 followed. I walked away from my PC because I knew what would happen. And there it is a 4 on the river to give him four of a kind. I ****ing hate poker :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@

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Re: I Hate Cash Games Yeah mate that sucks, its a 1 outer nothing you can do about that :( Much rather the 77 had filled his straight with his 4 outs then at least you wlda won the main pot. Unfortunately 1 in 20 times or so the guy will fill his quads, just happened to be that time. Dont worry about it youre due 20 or so winning pots in these set over set situations now :ok

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Re: I Hate Cash Games

Nothing you can do about that :sad Sometimes poker can be a very fraustrating game :(
a fraustrating game??? is that when german women are playing it?? haywood..... as king of the bad beats i can sympathise soooo much. just don't go trying to steal my thunder again. you have been warned danno the cautious
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Re: I Hate Cash Games ul hayward it really sucks when you do the right thing and get hammered on a hand like that ,especially when the stakes are high.ive been on tilt since last thurs ,was playing in the sun tourney final ,down to last 25(after 5 hours play) im 10th ,get dealt rockets. my bet first so i raise 3x bb about 10% of my stack,2 callers both with similar stack to me,flop comes,,,,,&,,,, ^^^^^&^^^^ )))))&)))) nice flop methinks. me first again with sb and bb folded ,i bet pot hopeing to take down a already large pot and get rid of unlikely draws ,first guy folds second guy goes all in ,ive alredy bet about 40%of stack and pretty much had to call. he then turned .((((((&((( _____&____ dolt,needless to say i didnt hit another ace .the first prize was to play for england and this pot would have put me 1st with only 24 left.second and third prize were worth a fair bit as well ,it takes a few days but you get over it eventually,the more hands like this you get the better you become(once your back off tilt and clear headed again ),but like danny said playing cash games with that much on table is always dangerous,you either win big or lose big and a hand like that will always have you all in .ps ian macshane is great in deadwood the most swearingest and violent program on tv

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