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TIIILT... AJ a call worth??


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Last night I had my worst tilt EVER!!!! Played in the 50 dollar mtt on SO at midnight, and I was flying... ...then I tilted ever so hopelessly :wall My stack: 6000 :Blinds up 100/200, raised with AJ under the gun with 800... Player next to me is all in with 3000... I am comitted now... call him... He shows a pair of kings :sad ...and I don't catch my Ace... The rest of the story is just a sad tilting-story... Was I right being comitted, and right about calling?? Or should I just be comitted...somewhere :loon

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Re: TIIILT... AJ a call worth??

I would have never call that re raise. You took your chance with rais and it didnt work. Blinds are very low, you have decent stack in proportion to blinds. Remember, it wasnt Safety net where some1 goes all in with A5. Unlucky girl :eyes.
yeah... but if the Ace showed up it would have been a fantastic call :D ...gave myself a :spank afterwoods tho....
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Re: TIIILT... AJ a call worth?? Just like Mr V's post about QQ, it's difficult to fold it. If I was in your position, I would have probably done the same. If only one or two places off the money (and I take it there was something worth winning judging by the size of the buy-in), then I would have folded to a re-raise. But if you had 6k before your call and 5200 after your raise, you are most definitely not pot committed. That is only a small dent in your stack; a small price to pay for a good initial move.

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Re: TIIILT... AJ a call worth??

Just like Mr V's post about QQ, it's difficult to fold it. If I was in your position, I would have probably done the same. If only one or two places off the money (and I take it there was something worth winning judging by the size of the buy-in), then I would have folded to a re-raise. But if you had 6k before your call and 5200 after your raise, you are most definitely not pot committed. That is only a small dent in your stack; a small price to pay for a good initial move.[/quot Yeah, that's why I was thinking about having myself comitted instead :eyes ...but... hey... try to be fearless :nana
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Re: TIIILT... AJ a call worth??

Last night I had my worst tilt EVER!!!! Played in the 50 dollar mtt on SO at midnight, and I was flying... ...then I tilted ever so hopelessly :wall My stack: 6000 :Blinds up 100/200, raised with AJ under the gun with 800... Player next to me is all in with 3000... I am comitted now... call him... He shows a pair of kings :sad ...and I don't catch my Ace... The rest of the story is just a sad tilting-story... Was I right being comitted, and right about calling?? Or should I just be comitted...somewhere :loon
i agree dont think you were pot commited, i would have folded the re raise but weve all done it sometimes depends how loose the player is i suppose but hey, (can i watch the spankin lol;) )
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Re: TIIILT... AJ a call worth?? very poor call Pene between you two you have 50% (or so) of the chips which means half the field is gone, and there are plenty of shorties left in. and come on girl - pot committed? for 600 chips?, you have 25BB left, most players at this point have between 3-8 I am guessing - so why risk half your stack with crap - yes AJ UTG is shite to an AI for half your stack (and bloody rubbish at a full table, so get used to limping if you must but generally throwing it away early doors, when the blinds are small compared to stack sizes) - right move to make with the raise:ok and a defo call from a shortie for another thousand or so, but not 3K :eyes . Throw it away and pick a better spot (against a short stack!!!) :D he might be making a move on you with Ax, K 10 etc, thinking you are bullying, but even with K 10, you are only 2-1 fav. And unlike the QQ thread this is an incorrect call regardless of pot odds (due to your massive lead compared to the others bar the villian) - all you have is AJ - you are at best coin flipping, (you are dominating against A 10 or less but I doubt he would put his tounry on the line with A6o) and with your chip stack and the blinds as they are you don't need to be coin flipping or at best taking 2-1 shots - this is when maths goes out the window and common sense kicks in :) (UNLIKE THE QQ THREAD) lesson learned, do better next time and report back :tongue2 Damo :cheers ps why tilt? you still have 15BB left after this, more than double most of the others:eyes - wait and pick your spot:ok

Last night I had my worst tilt EVER!!!! Played in the 50 dollar mtt on SO at midnight, and I was flying... ...then I tilted ever so hopelessly :wall My stack: 6000 :Blinds up 100/200, raised with AJ under the gun with 800... Player next to me is all in with 3000... I am comitted now... call him... He shows a pair of kings :sad ...and I don't catch my Ace... The rest of the story is just a sad tilting-story... Was I right being comitted, and right about calling?? Or should I just be comitted...somewhere :loon
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Re: TIIILT... AJ a call worth?? no worries girl - we have all done it :cry at least you have learned your lesson :D Damo :cheers

You're ever so right, Damo :( ...still srtuggling to forget that stupid stupid play... Well, im in that turney again right now... I will do better :nana
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Re: TIIILT... AJ a call worth??

very poor call Pene between you two you have 50% (or so) of the chips which means half the field is gone, and there are plenty of shorties left in.
Im assuming that this was an MTT and not an STT Would have folded in an STT with those stats but think I would have called in an MTT depending on how loose it was and considering that it was S.O On most other sites I would have folded ASAP
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