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Unreserved Appology!


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To those of you who's tables i was on earlier. As some may be aware i had a SERIOUSLY bad beat last night and as some may have seen earlier, an even worse one today. This was followed up by 2 of the WORST hand losses(Both on the river) i have EVER had, i 2 other tourneys at the same'ish time, so i spat the dummy, chucked me toys out the pram and to save the VERY! real threat of the computer ending up on the lawn(where i jokingly said it was earlier) I p*ssed off to the pub. To those who i didn't have the courtesy to thank for their kind comments at my demise, i am sorry and if i also forgot to say Bye, again, my appologys. My visit to the pub didn't make it better but it did give me the time to reflect these things happen and to stop feeling so bloody hard done by!(Jesus, my life is great and i'm whinging about some poxy cards? Get a grip Dave!) Anyway.....I'm BACK!...bit red faced about the strop but back in the saddle and ready to try again:ok Hope you all win loads and i come second(Unless your feeling generous);)

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Re: Unreserved Appology!

To those of you who's tables i was on earlier. As some may be aware i had a SERIOUSLY bad beat last night and as some may have seen earlier, an even worse one today. This was followed up by 2 of the WORST hand losses(Both on the river) i have EVER had, i 2 other tourneys at the same'ish time, so i spat the dummy, chucked me toys out the pram and to save the VERY! real threat of the computer ending up on the lawn(where i jokingly said it was earlier) I p*ssed off to the pub. To those who i didn't have the courtesy to thank for their kind comments at my demise, i am sorry and if i also forgot to say Bye, again, my appologys. My visit to the pub didn't make it better but it did give me the time to reflect these things happen and to stop feeling so bloody hard done by!(Jesus, my life is great and i'm whinging about some poxy cards? Get a grip Dave!) Anyway.....I'm BACK!...bit red faced about the strop but back in the saddle and ready to try again:ok Hope you all win loads and i come second(Unless your feeling generous);)
Glad you're back... join some of us in the 5 dollar mtt on Sporting 23.30 :clap
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Re: Unreserved Appology!

Ok, whilst we're all apologising... does anyone wish to apologise to me? Doesn't really matter what for, anything will do. :rollin :rollin :rollin
Pro - I apologise for leaving you in general chat and not showing you the way home. :lol:lol:lol
i apologise unreservedly also...... no idea why but i bet i owe someones ears an apology! danno the meek
:lol @ Danno.
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Re: Unreserved Appology! Chelski. Thats the way the game takes you, I think. I've never played golf, but I think there are similarities in the way you feel after good games and bad. The fact is just when you think you have this game sussed it kicks you in the balls. Golf players say thats how that game is too. Now I'm sure all of us (except TQM ;) ) have got pissed off, but you can choose too put it down to cruel luck and get on with the next game or your life, or you can become bitter and twisted, forever destined to threaten the worlds nice guys with plastic cutlery. Valium The Ear Plug Salesman. ;)

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Re: Unreserved Appology!

Pro - I apologise for leaving you in general chat and not showing you the way home.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, ty. Now how about bringing the blonde post back? I keep getting lost when I go to look at it. :D And u2 Mr V, although I probably owe you more apologies than you owe me. :$
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Re: Unreserved Appology!

Chelski. Thats the way the game takes you, I think. I've never played golf, but I think there are similarities in the way you feel after good games and bad. The fact is just when you think you have this game sussed it kicks you in the balls. Golf players say thats how that game is too. Now I'm sure all of us (except TQM ;) ) have got pissed off, but you can choose too put it down to cruel luck and get on with the next game or your life, or you can become bitter and twisted, forever destined to threaten the worlds nice guys with plastic cutlery. Valium The Ear Plug Salesman. ;)
:lol Well as i don't fancy Danno as Bonnie to my Clyde, causing carnage across the Mid-West, Little Chef cutlery dripping blood, as we flee ever closer to our inevitable bloody shoot out with a Maccy D's supervisor armed with A Happy meal toy and a handful of 45 Calibre straws........ I think i may go for the "Cruel luck", open aother bottle of Luna Gianna(White) and offer my services as Cheerleader for a bit, till me next game. Come on then Guys, Where are you?......i'll come and say Hi:ok
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Re: Unreserved Appology!

and there was me thinking no one ever read my long winded comedy genius! danno the smug and why wouldn't i make a good bonnie??? or did you mean bonnie the blue peter dog (rip)?
Was hoping for more of a Bonnie Tyler thing:$ (theres the age give away!).......You know....Holding out for a hero:nana PENELOPEYS!!!!!......Feel free to jump in at any time:(
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Re: Unreserved Appology!

Comedy! I thought it was horror! I had to hide behind the settee whilst reading it.
If it helps PRO, i wil be his Earnie to his Eric Morecombe, his Bernie to his Mike Winters................................ his Tonto to his Lone Ranger........ That reminds me.......... Did you hear about when The Lone Ranger and Tonto the Indian were surrounded by 50,000 bloodthirsty Apache Indians, baying for their blood?................... The lone Ranger said."I think We're in trouble Tonto!".....Tonto say's..... "What's with the WE, White man!!!!!!!!!!"
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Re: Unreserved Appology! :lol Nice one. Jeez - you remember Mike and Bernie Winters too??? and Schnorbitz? I remember a joke from Bernie Winters... BERNIE: I started an onion diet last week. MIKE: An onion diet? Does it work? BERNIE: Yes, I've lost 2 stone and all my friends! :lol Now, what was this thread about? I'll be damned if I can remember, but I'm sure it had something to do with films... horror? comedy?

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Re: Unreserved Appology!

Ok, whilst we're all apologising... does anyone wish to apologise to me? Doesn't really matter what for, anything will do. :rollin :rollin :rollin
Apologies for not correcting your date of birth earlier, anyhow... Happy Birthday
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Re: Unreserved Appology!

Apologies for not correcting your date of birth earlier, anyhow... Happy Birthday
Admin - I really don't know what you're on about, as I said in my reply to your Happy Birthday email to me. Unless it has something to do with the "blonde" post? :unsure
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Re: Unreserved Appology!

8 is a good age (well sort off)' date=' take it your public profile is slightly incorrect?[/quote'] Not that I know of. All I can assume is that it has something to do with the post I put into the "blonde" thread... go have a look. In the meantime I will check my profile.
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Re: Unreserved Appology! :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin Guess what, they HAVE changed my date of birth... to 17th Feb, 1998! It definitely wasn't that a couple of days ago when I was looking at my profile. They've obviously acted on my post in the "blonde" thread. :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin Oh well, I guess I'll leave it be. Hmmmm, hope I don't get a visit from the police for under-age betting. :$

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Re: Unreserved Appology! Ok, I smell something fishy going on here. Sherlock Holmes is on the case. Mr Bubbles - how did you know it was 'fictionally' my 8th birthday??? Nowhere did it say that until I wrote in the date a couple of posts ago... after you'd already said happy 8th birthday. Are you the guilty party? Are you really Admin? Admin - have you made my 'fictional' birthday known to everyone without my permission, and contrary to what it says in my profile about making my birthday public? Just 3 words... Data Protection Act. And Admin, how come you only have 1 post to you name? Paul Ross - can you verify your whereabouts between the hours of 9pm on Tuesday 14th February 2006 and 1pm on Friday 17th February 2006? But be careful in what you say, you're wife may be reading this. And may I remind you all of your rights: You have the right to remain silent (although this will constitute guilt). If you break your right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be taken down and may be used in evidence against you in a court of fun and laughter. You may have a lawyer present or I can provide a dodgy lawyer for you, becasue let's face it, you're going down and only a dodgy lawyer can save you. But, you see, I will have paid him off, so you stand no chance anyway. So guys, what'll it be? Mr Bubbles :spank Admin :spank Paul Ross :spank And to anyone else who may be involved :spank :rollin Damn, my talent is wasted in computers. I should have been a detective. :ok

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Re: Unreserved Appology! I apologise for this being nothing to do with the orginal thread but Mr Holmes if you had seen message 17 you would have deduced that I am clearly quite nosey;) and wanted to see what your day of birth had been corrected to.

Apologies for not correcting your date of birth earlier, anyhow... Happy Birthday
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