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$1000 Fixed limit freeroll on the Gaming Club


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Re: $1000 Fixed limit freeroll on the Gaming Club I only read an email about this at 23:00 tonight, thought it was just a standard promo email until i saw the invite only. Didn't post it up as it was late and the resitration was restricted :$ I also didn't realise it was fixed limit until I got AA and tried to put a big raise in and couldn't understand why it would only let me raise max 40 :lol I've been getting amazing cards though and am currently sitting in 16th :loon

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Re: $1000 Fixed limit freeroll on the Gaming Club dave tyvm mate. :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy Kes and I committed Hari Kiri, and I spunked my 30k stack when I had J8o on BB and flop came A J 8. I tried my damnedest to push them off and they were tied to the A and flopped there 2 pair on the river. The same player who cracked my AA too.:eyes :puke Very very enjoyable, and I'll consider playing a limit MTT in the future. :ok :lol@Kes.

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Re: $1000 Fixed limit freeroll on the Gaming Club

WP you 2:clap :clap $5 each aint bad;) Still trying in me Goal Bobblehead :eyes Bed about 5 at this rate:wall
I do find there lobby slightly confusing mate. Give us a shout for the next one, cos I couldn't find yours with The Pro's tom tom.
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Re: $1000 Fixed limit freeroll on the Gaming Club :cry :eyes Out in 41 AA so big raise, Chip leader calls Flop 5c 9d Ac, Leader big raise so thinking chasing flush i go all in. he shows Qc 2h !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 116 grand for me :nana :clap Turn is 4c..........river 8 c :( Sorry this post is a bit late but i've only just managed to get all my computer off the front lawn where it landed when i threw it out the window at Ridiculous O'clock this morning

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