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Fun but scary stories


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Has poker become my life?????? The other night I had a date... with a new guy... I realized, when he was in my house, that it was the night of the 3. round of the Champ. Leauge... And was in top 20!!!! Baaaaad choice of day... ...well... I forced him to play it with me... :clap Am I well? Or a sick, twisted girl?? :tongue2

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Re: Fun but scary stories Ohhh the hilarity! I'm glad that you find your wife using her 'higher powers' to bully me so funny Mr V. :@ Not only does she pick on me at the poker table, and make it her one mission in life to take my chips almost everytime we meet, but now she has taken to personally abusing a weak and already violated man. :cry No doubt this Sudofed Red stuff she suggested I took for my flu will probably increase it's current violation status to bird flu levels. :@

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Re: Fun but scary stories

Ohhh the hilarity! I'm glad that you find your wife using her 'higher powers' to bully me so funny Mr V. :@ Not only does she pick on me at the poker table, and make it her one mission in life to take my chips almost everytime we meet, but now she has taken to personally abusing a weak and already violated man. :cry No doubt this Sudofed Red stuff she suggested I took for my flu will probably increase it's current violation status to bird flu levels. :@
You poor thing - the next we know you'll be moaning that your bird flu has turned in to "Man Flu". :tongue2
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Re: Fun but scary stories Mr Valium. While I often enjoy the witty conversations ( was going to put repartee but can't spell it ) that you frequently engage in with fellow forum users, I would like for you to desist in constantly making reference to me, my family and my associates. I hope that I am correct in that you intend no harm or offence, but must illustrate the constantly escalating feelings of resentment and ire that rise within me as read your posts. I am a reasonable man, since the prison counsellor worked one on one with me, but find the barrage of insults and thinly veiled attacks upon me, both psychological and viscariously physical, I have been driven to self harm at points you make involving my third nipple, are becoming intolerable. As I stated earlier in my missive, the counsellor , god rest her soul, has taught me mechanisms by which I might understand and reason the aggressive nature of your comments, yet I must inform you that the current tirade of abuse is pushing me to the limit of my malleabilty. Even my prison counsellor (why oh why did she have to use aversion therapy while i was holding the sharpened plastic coffee spoon? ) knew that a reformed psychotic aggressive should be given a wide berth when broaching particular subjects. I will attempt to continue down the path of correctness and be that as in which a pebble is gentle coerced along the bed of a stream. I mean you no harm, but, as my counsellor stated ( JESUS WOMAN!!! JUST STOP TALKING AND I WILL END THE PAIN!! AND STOP WRIGGLING.... THE SPOON IS CATCHING ON THE TENDONS IN YOUR NECK!!! WHY OH WHY????!!!!) "we can but trust in the good of others". So Mr Valium, While my initial intention was to deliver no threat, if you pursue this line of harrassment, I will not be liable for my actions, as I was not when attending my last, and very sad appointment with the prison counsellor. ( I MEANT YOU NO HARM JACQUI! IT'S JUST A SPOON FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!) My father sums it up very nicely. " A FAT MAN, WHO HIDES BEHIND A THIN TREE, IS A FOOL" danno the twitchy

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Re: Fun but scary stories :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin When do you leave?????

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Re: Fun but scary stories :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin Danno - I have done my back in trying to lift Mr V after his fit of hysterics! :spank :spank :spank :spank :spank :spank :spank :spank :spank This fit resulted in a fountain of coffee being spurted approx 5m across the lounge and Mr V almost having to go to the emergency Doc's to have his bust ribs fixed.

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Re: Fun but scary stories

Danno - I have done my back in trying to lift Mr V after his fit of hysterics!
And I've done my back in lifting myself off the ground! Careful guys and gals, there seems to be a deranged serial killer on the loose in the poker rooms. You can easily spot him, he'll be carrying a blood-stained sharpened plastic spoon. :rollin
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Re: Fun but scary stories

Mr Valium. While I often enjoy the witty conversations ( was going to put repartee but can't spell it ) that you frequently engage in with fellow forum users, I would like for you to desist in constantly making reference to me, my family and my associates. I hope that I am correct in that you intend no harm or offence, but must illustrate the constantly escalating feelings of resentment and ire that rise within me as read your posts. I am a reasonable man, since the prison counsellor worked one on one with me, but find the barrage of insults and thinly veiled attacks upon me, both psychological and viscariously physical, I have been driven to self harm at points you make involving my third nipple, are becoming intolerable. As I stated earlier in my missive, the counsellor , god rest her soul, has taught me mechanisms by which I might understand and reason the aggressive nature of your comments, yet I must inform you that the current tirade of abuse is pushing me to the limit of my malleabilty. Even my prison counsellor (why oh why did she have to use aversion therapy while i was holding the sharpened plastic coffee spoon? ) knew that a reformed psychotic aggressive should be given a wide berth when broaching particular subjects. I will attempt to continue down the path of correctness and be that as in which a pebble is gentle coerced along the bed of a stream. I mean you no harm, but, as my counsellor stated ( JESUS WOMAN!!! JUST STOP TALKING AND I WILL END THE PAIN!! AND STOP WRIGGLING.... THE SPOON IS CATCHING ON THE TENDONS IN YOUR NECK!!! WHY OH WHY????!!!!) "we can but trust in the good of others". So Mr Valium, While my initial intention was to deliver no threat, if you pursue this line of harrassment, I will not be liable for my actions, as I was not when attending my last, and very sad appointment with the prison counsellor. ( I MEANT YOU NO HARM JACQUI! IT'S JUST A SPOON FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!) My father sums it up very nicely. " A FAT MAN, WHO HIDES BEHIND A THIN TREE, IS A FOOL" danno the twitchy
That has to be my fav post to date:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin
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Re: Fun but scary stories

Has poker become my life?????? The other night I had a date... with a new guy... I realized, when he was in my house, that it was the night of the 3. round of the Champ. Leauge... And was in top 20!!!! Baaaaad choice of day... ...well... I forced him to play it with me... :clap Am I well? Or a sick, twisted girl?? :tongue2
If you fancy him, that could have been a mistake ..... you may have given him his first dose of the poker drug and you'll either never see him again as he becomes one of the living dead ("wanna go to the pub Phil?" "No its Wednesday - can't miss the SO dollar up!") or (alternative scenario) you might end up as a pompom wearing poker profit center tucked away in a cupboard (:lol :lol :lol mentioning no names :rollin and apologies in advance).
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Re: Fun but scary stories

If you fancy him' date=' that could have been a mistake ..... you may have given him his first dose of the poker drug and you'll either never see him again as he becomes one of the living dead ("wanna go to the pub Phil?" "No its Wednesday - can't miss the SO dollar up!") or (alternative scenario) you might end up as a pompom wearing poker profit center tucked away in a cupboard (:lol :lol :lol mentioning no names :rollin and apologies in advance).[/quote'] LOL, Right Phil... Guess I didn't fancy him enough :unsure ... he keeps on begging me for a second date tho... maybe it is the poker???? :loon ...and not me... :lol
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Re: Fun but scary stories

LOL, Right Phil... Guess I didn't fancy him enough :unsure ... he keeps on begging me for a second date tho... maybe it is the poker???? :loon ...and not me... :lol
Well Pene I must say the things that caught my eye with you was your large stacks and your full house (if you remember ;)). Note to Brael: Try not to convulse when trying to type your reply.
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Re: Fun but scary stories

Well Pene I must say the things that caught my eye with you was your large stacks and your full house (if you remember ;)). Note to Brael: Try not to convulse when trying to type your reply.
Erm...? ? Think you lost me there Mr. V... :unsure ... mondays dollar up??
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Re: Fun but scary stories

Was that an insult, Mo? ... a bit slow today I guess... had a rotten day... my car broke down while driving it :cry
me insult you never :tongue2 just think you need to read mr.Vs post again sure you can work that one out:hope playin us for fools i reckon;)
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Re: Fun but scary stories

Well Pene I must say the things that caught my eye with you was your large stacks and your full house (if you remember ;)).
We were on the same table in the Sporting Odds Pay Day and I was doing ok. I had flopped 2 K's on the board to go with my 1 K, and was looking to take your chips. I remember because I slowplayed (I had a better kicker) I allowed you to flop a full house on the river and you knocked me out. :cry :cry :cry :cry
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