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This Hurt...... Alot!


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Would any of ye have been able to walk away from this hand?

Game #1533403954: Hold'em PL ($0.50/$1) - 2006/01/26 - 20:58:05 (ET) Table "Basil" Seat 5 is the button. Seat 1: Brody69 ($182.75 in chips) Seat 2: Aodn ($179.02 in chips) Seat 4: big texy sits out Seat 5: gnasher8 ($130.05 in chips) Brody69: posts small blind $0.50 Aodn: posts big blind $1 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Aodn [Th Ad] gnasher8: raises to $3 Brody69: folds Aodn: calls $2 ----- FLOP ----- [8d Kh Qd] Aodn: bets $6.50 gnasher8: calls $6.50 ----- TURN ----- [8d Kh Qd][Jd] Aodn: bets $10 gnasher8: calls $10 ----- RIVER ----- [8d Kh Qd Jd][9d] Aodn: bets $23 gnasher8: raises to $108.50 Aodn: raises to $159.52 and is all-in gnasher8: is all-in $2.05 Returned uncalled bets $48.97 to Aodn ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Aodn: shows [Th Ad] (A Flush, Ace high) gnasher8: shows [Td Jh] (Straight Flush, Queen high) gnasher8 collects $257.60 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot $260.60 Main pot $257.60 Rake $3 Board [8d Kh Qd Jd 9d] Seat 1: Brody69 (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: Aodn (big blind) lost Seat 5: gnasher8 (button) showed [Td Jh] and won ($257.60) with Straight Flush, Queen high ****HAND ENDS****
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Re: This Hurt...... Alot! I don't think I'd have been good enough to get away from that - but I think maybe you had the info to. From your betting it seems very unlikely that he'd be trying to bluff you here, unless you have personal knowledge of the opponent to that effect. You have the ace, so the 2nd best hand out that you're beating is a king high flush, I can't really see him reraising you expecting a call without either the A or the SF, he'd have to be worried about you having those two hands. The language of the turn and river betting is very typically Omaha, where A high flushes bump into straight flushes with some degree of regularity. In that game you'd definitely have the info to fold the ace, it'd be a very familiar betting pattern and almost definitely mean the A high flush was no good. The betting pattern in Holdem tells you the exact same thing, but it's extraordinarily difficult to fold nevertheless. I don't think I'm good enough to have gotten away from that hand, but maybe some players are - you were unlucky to run into it either way you look at it :(

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Re: This Hurt...... Alot! The player is quite a good player, so I knew his raise was to be respected. The problem with the way I acted in the hand was that I didn't even see the SF possibility which was extremely stupid of me, I actually thought I had the nuts. I even looked over the community cards about 5 times to make sure, it just completely passed me by that there was a single card to a SF out there :( I would have expected a raise from him with any decent flush, as he had seen me bully the table quite alot recently (my aggression factor according to PT for the session was around 3.5). If I had seen the SF I know I could have put him on it with a high degree of probability, although again as to whether I could have laid it down, I don't think I'll ever know.

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Re: This Hurt...... Alot! I would have folded preflop to the raise - u are behind to any PP and any AK AQ AJ - I know u are getting 2:1 for your money, but if an A hits without a 10 how certain are you that you are ahead? you are playing your cards for the nut flush/nut straight only and even this can cost you cash as you call with your draws - this is one of those tricky hands that looks great but is a pain in the arse! however once you call you are in that quandry of a drawing hand and not quite sure if you are ahead (tho given the board I would think I was) - however, with the BIG reraise on the river I would need to really look at the board and see what he could possibly have to beat me - and then would I fold? NO I wouldn't - I would have called very tricky Damo :cheers

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Re: This Hurt...... Alot! Rob, I was playing at a 6max table with only 4 seated at the table. In this sort of situation ATos is a fairly strong holding, not massive or anything, but certainly worth calling. In short handed games agression is name of the game, and if I can't defend my blind with a hand like that the table can pick away at it at will which when blinds are coming round every 4 hands is going to wear me down fairly quickly.

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Re: This Hurt...... Alot! Interesting comments from Ed Miller --> http://www.notedpokerauthority.com/articles/article7.htm

As a second example, you are the big blind in the ten-handed game. The first two players fold, and the same player raises. Everyone folds to you with Ah6s. Again, you should fold. Your hand is dominated far too often to call. But in the four-handed game, you should usually 3-bet in the big blind with Ah6s. A typical shorthanded player will raise from the button with many hands. Your ace makes you often the favorite and gives you showdown value. (Showdown value is important in shorthanded situations. A hand has showdown value if it can expect to miss the board entirely and still frequently win a showdown. Thus, 6heart.gif6diamond.gif, Aclub.gif4heart.gif, and, to a lesser extent, Kheart.gif9spade.gif have showdown value, while Tspade.gif8diamond.gif doesn’t.) Reraising rather than calling is also a critical adjustment. As I mentioned before, many players become too loose and too aggressive in short games. The way to punish that mistake is to 3-bet before the flop with “showdown” hands. Failing to reraise your better hands for value lets your opponents off the hook and grants them a big edge.
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Re: This Hurt...... Alot! sorry my bad - assumed it was a full 10 table in that case - RE-RAISE pre flop to about 12 or 15 dollars and see whether he really likes his hand hmmm, must READ the post rather than skinmming Cheers Damo

Rob, I was playing at a 6max table with only 4 seated at the table. In this sort of situation ATos is a fairly strong holding, not massive or anything, but certainly worth calling. In short handed games agression is name of the game, and if I can't defend my blind with a hand like that the table can pick away at it at will which when blinds are coming round every 4 hands is going to wear me down fairly quickly.
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