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Guest jimbobbins

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Guest jimbobbins

i apologise for posting this in the wrong forum folks, but i thought ollie might want to see this. football-punter.co.uk was today listed in the top 10 footy websites in the london metro. this may not seem much to you northern types - but this paper is massive in the capital and is read by practically everyone that travels by tube. should be worth a few extra hits! (sorry if this has already been mentioned, but i've only just seen it and can't find it mentioned anywhere on here)

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Guest harry redknapp

lavverley jabberley boys! faaackin' 'ell .... i've just spotted this site in me local rag and fought i'd pop ap the old apples and pears and get faaackin' logged in soon as mate!! top site me old china's, top site. any fackin way 'ere's me first tip for ya, back every home team in the premiership in an acca, they're all faackin' value! i've got more raabit than faackin' sainsbury's me!

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Guest brendanuk111

Re: lavverley jabberley boys! I was in the Karsi, sitting on me Kyber, using the grey matter, when I thought, wouldn't it be nice if me Dutch made some Rosy. She got some fresh Adam's there. So I went down the Apples and told her. We could go up to the Rubba. Me in me best Whistle and Titfer and me new Daisy's, and her in her best bib and tucker with her new Tile. It's a long Frog but we'd do it O.K. on Shank's Pony. That's if our Plates last out. Probably see a couple of me Chinas there with the Arrows and a Pig or two. One's a Brummie, one's a Scouse. He might have his Geordie mate with him too. Could see another China of the way, he's a Septic but not a bad bloke. Likes to knock you a bit though. If I see the Runner, I'll probably put a Pony on a Nag, but if there is a Peeler about, he'll probably have it on his toes. If he gets Nicked he'll be Banged up for a full moon. I'll ask for a Butcher's at the form if he's on his Jack. If I win I'll get a Lardy and some snout for her. She's a bit Mutton at the moment but you should see the Minces in her Boat and her Barnet is a joy to behold. Won't even mention her North and South. Lovely as ever.

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Guest OllieO

Re: metro? Awesome! Is there any chance that anyone has a copy of this that I could get? I'd happily pay costs (although it's free, isn't it?).

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Guest jimbobbins

metro i figured you might want it ollie, so i kept hold of it for you. drop me an email (do you have my address?) with the address you want it to go to and i'll send it right off.

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