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Ever fallen asleep during a game?


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Here's something amusing and somewhat embarrassing. After I played the 180 tourny (which I came 2nd in - see the bragging thread) I entered a bigger $5 one. It had gone on for hours and hours and I was doing very well (was placed #3/120 people remaining). I was extremely dead and started dozing. I contacted my friend to take over for me but he had to leave for something. Anyhow, I feel asleep soon after. I woke up to find that I finished 47th. icon_redface.gificon_redface.gificon_redface.gif A little miffed about it because I think I would have made the final table or at least the top 18. PokerStars Tournament #17676689, No Limit Hold'em Buy-In: $5.00/$0.50 1324 players Total Prize Pool: $6620.00 Tournament started - 2006/01/11 - 15:10:00 (ET) Dear bizzybone24, You finished the tournament in 47th place. A $15.89 award has been credited to your Real Money account. You earned 91.30 tournament leader points in this tournament. For information about our tournament leader board, see our web site at http://www.pokerstars.com/tlb_tournament_rankings.html Congratulations! Thank you for participating.

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Re: Ever fallen asleep during a game? I won a £10 satellite to enter a £100 tourney to win a cruise on Interpoker one day. The £100 tournie was on a Friday night @ midnight (didn't realise that before I entered, schoolboy error!) Anyway I finished up work, and despite my best efforts my "mate" persuaded me to go for "one" before I went home. I sat in the pub then till about 10.30 and demolished several Guinness's :beer . Then I said I needed to go home for the tourney. I wobbled my way back to my house by about 11, and in my inebriated state I decided the best thing for me to do was have an hours kip before the kickoff (yes I know I'm an idiot). So set my alarm for 11.55 and fell into my bed. Next thing I know it's 10am saturday morning :rollin

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Re: Ever fallen asleep during a game?

Dear dozydope24, You finished the tournament in 47th place. A $15.89 award has been credited to your Real Money account. You earned 91.30 tournament leader points in this tournament. For information about our tournament leader board, see our web site at http://www.pokerstars.com/tlb_tournament_rankings.html Congratulations! Thank you for participating.
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Re: Ever fallen asleep during a game? LMAO i fell asleep last night woke up at 945 looked at lappy, down 300 chips eeeeeeeeeek in the 10k tourney, slapped myself and an hour later was on 16k chips. got in a battle on one had had top pair no straight or flush draw out there he went all in so i called all my chips. Monster Pot.. he had Ace. What came on the river??? ACE. grrrrrrrrrrrrr!

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