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Censorship and the Punters Lounge

Guest cunniman

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Guest cunniman

Re: Cunniman's points Thanks Ollie, 3 points: 1. Re the racism thing, I fully understand your concerns here as to why things may need to be deleted. I was only using racism as an example to illustrate that there is a heavy handed censorship approach here at times. 2. Moving posts. I also understand why this is done, and don't disagree with it to an extent. However, as OA has pointed out, my post was not deleted but moved to Football Banter (didn't even know this section existed). This is obviously frustrating for the poster if a mod moves a post without warning. I did check General Chat and International Matches as I thought it might have been moved there. I would make the point that why should a poster have to trawl through the 23 forums here to find where their post was moved to. As my post related to Sven and Berti who manage British teams, then I could argue that it has a British focus and I posted in the correct place. 3. Re reading the Guidelines, it may be ignorant and rude for newbies not to do this, but they clearly don't. For example, this thread has been viewed 331 times in 14 hours. The rules have been viewed just 527 times, so that obviously says something. Komp, as you will see my thread was found and was not the "j'accuse" one you refer to, although it's disappointing that you deleted it as it sounds a "right riveting read" :) I'm not trying to be controversial or personal with any of this, but clearly quite a few people agree with my points. Just need a little less seriousness around here, and maybe a little less intervention from the PL police I reckon :)

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Guest Shatter

Hmm.... I've only been here for a couple of weeks and have enjoyed my time. Personally, I have one complaint - I really don't mind people posting their twenty team accy. People might complain about it and it may push useful threads down but I still like other's opinions on who is going to win - with or without analysis. Betting is betting and sometimes we don't need to analyse why a team is going to win, rather we just believe it to be so. That said I don't really have any other complaints. One person had a go at me because my tips weren't winning - well, like previously said, you should be doing your own research. I don't profess to know everything. That's why I don't mind tips being posted without analysis. Take other people's opinions on who will win and then do your own research. That is the way betting should be done - and on every betting forum, things should be taken with a grain of salt. Either way, it is always good to have a thread like this - especially when criticism is constructive. I'm sure Ollie wants to improve the forum and it is good to hear different perspectives. That being said, there is nothing stopping anyone from e-mailing him and asking him to change something. A thread like this is good but people shouldn't be afraid to voice an opinion at anytime. Anyway, lets get back to winning some money, eh! PS. Don't listen to Paulinho, he's a Southampton fan (from what I gather). So am I, and I never take anything I say seriously. ;)

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Guest scatter

rant I think most are missing the original point about newbies, i think you seem to think that if you have a year or two or several hundred posts to your name on here it puts you on a higher plane than any other poster who wishes to participate. This was discussed a couple of weeks ago and i stated that this is the most critical punters forum amongst a few i visit, that post was instantly removed for no other reason than that comment. Vic the Pro, DigitalMonkey, a couple of unusual punters that have decided to go elsewhere, punters who were scoffed at and ridiculed because the didn't fall into the catorgory of the clique with posts like..."i think Liverpool will win..come on you Reds". There are many, many facets to betting with a great variety of markets and not everyone follows the 'norm, the PL is WORSE off because of the loss of these punters and they should have been encouraged more rather than been driven out. Loads of interesting stuff on here at the moment ie "not to lose" etc, different slants on betting, but i have said from Day 1, the rules sometimes are too rigid, the Mods do a good job but instead of deleting they should (IMO) occasionally give a warning during the thread (yellow card) rather than delete instantly..

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Guest budgetbetting co uk

! i have to go with the first post. some of the grief the newbies and acca punters have taken over the last few months has been bang out order . if somebody want to post about an acca then good luck to them . acca's are for small stake punters ( pounds and pence ). most on this board bet for fun not for profit ' take out the small stake players and this board will be dead. not having a pop but some of the mods delete more posts than they post themselves. thats my piece. paul.

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Guest redchiz

Re: Censorship and the Punters Lounge


Redchiz, Did you notice that you had been accused of spam in another thread? pub112.ezboard.com/fpunte...=119.topic Check out the seventh post and my reply a couple of posts later.

No I hadn't Odds, thanks for pointing it out. I hadn't been back to that one for a while, but I have now!

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Guest Shatter



I think most are missing the original point about newbies, i think you seem to think that if you have a year or two or several hundred posts to your name on here it puts you on a higher plane than any other poster who wishes to participate.

I guess that is part of betting. The more people prove themselves to have reliable tips, the more people trust them.


u don't have to worry about that Shatter. I've already made my mind up about that!! knut.

About not listening to me?

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Moderaptors I have been an active member of internet communities in various countries and language groups for almost ten years now and seen a lot of them decline. The life span is alarmingly often the same, a lot of fun somewhere - increased traffic- too many morons and traffic - need of moderators - moderators being too heavyhanded - decreased traffic and a lot of talk about the community and some of the original members and most valuable contributors start looking elsewhere. Usually the decline starts when the host gets this stupid idea of making money out of this and makes a lot of "improvements" to the site. One of the first sites where I was heavily involved in the mid nineties might be an interesting case study, the site was designed for professionals mainly in marketing and advertising but soon also other professionals were allowed to join, basically the only prerequisite was that you had to working somewhere. I guess the idea was to keep the teenagers out of the community. There was a registration, no fee, and user names were allowed to be anything. In a year the amount of members rose somewhere from under 1000 members to 20-30 000 but still the ones who posted most were those who really had been there from the beginning... they created a subculture of their own and newcomers were not really encouraged too much. Soon it became clear that it could not go on. The user names were changed to peoples real names and some more (too much i think) information about them was on display like their place of work etc. Then the host thought they could cash on with this stuff and soon they implemented fees and services.. and moderators. At first the moderators were not allowed to remove posts on their own, they were there just to lead the conversation to "right" direction.. and this is the difficult part of any community. The line is so very thin, but I personally like more to disagree and discuss with people than to agree knowing that me being wrong is all too likely, I know there is a lot of stuff I can learn from the others and believe that I have. You just have be given the possibility to do that. The lesson here? I lost the idea myself already trying to make this too comprehensive and then tiring myself in the process of it, but the future of PL seems bright to me, there is a lot of good will to really try to make this thing to work, or rather keep it working well and personally I am not least worried about the future at the lounge. As long as moderators have to be humans there will be clashes and I would tolerate more but then I would probably make a lousy moderator myself. I do not envy you lads! Time to see some football lads, Fulham please!

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Guest MC Roller

Re: rant I remember Vic the Pro. Some questioned his idea of a Pro bet when the form suggested otherwise thats all, novice punters might have taken his word for it. I feel the others were right to queston his bet because he had such high confidence in a bet that was far from certain. Scatter, You might feel I have a problem with you, thats not the case. When you first arrived, you had a go at the tips from some members, it's the info that counts not whether the bet wins or not, as that is down to the individuals themselves whether they wish to place the bet or not. Other members shouldn't shoulder the blame for someone else placing a bet on their tips. Parahandy, Regarding the mods coming out to face the music. I can only mod posts in the Attheraces forum, so don't really class myself as a mod, as I post in exactly the same way as I've always done. Regardless of any problems with any member I'm always glad to help anyone if I can. Any member who has a problem with me just ask or PM me and I'll be delighted to answer any queries you might have. In my book, everyone gets treated the same, don't like hearing the word clique, that just doesn't happen here, not in my opinion anyway. A lot of the time I'm lighthearted about most subjects, the thing is, info is the most important thing, so it's difficult when to be lighthearted and when to be serious. Too much clowning around isn't going to do anyone any good.

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Guest paulinho

Re: ... bah. nothing wrong with being a saints fan. its fun. and not at all stupid :) i think knut was perhaps foolish enough to read my occasional brazilian thread. i did warn people. besides, if you want to make money in brazil, back the outsider. simple. 20pt profit over the last 47 games. well, maybe... give it some more time. but while i'm here, what have i done to make you not listen to me?

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Re: PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH In my initial reply to Cunniman I suggested that it may be best to not move this thread.My thoughts were that this is an important enough issue to leave in the Britain forum as it probably has the highest viewing figures.I can only assume that the other mods must have had similar thoughts as the question of moving it has not been raised. I would have thought from all the previous posts that this is the type of approach you were all asking for from the mods. I feel a little disappointed that there was much repetition of criticism throughout this thread and very few concrete suggestions.Perhaps there will be some novel ideas in the next few days. For instance, I doubt if many punters who specialise in other countries sports will ever look at this thread,should we therefore ask in the other forums for their opinions?

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Re: comments osesame, i don't think you should take the criticism to heart. also you raise the point that most of this has been blood-letting, rather than constructive criticism. I'd disagree. I think that this post has been very healthy. Its given everyone a chance to get a few things off their chest. Much better than them deciding to go elsewhere and not contributing at all. I think it will certainly encourage new posters too, as they will hopefully ascertain from this thread that first time postings will no longer be semi-flamed if they don't conform to standard. Certainly i feel more happy now to put some of my own thoughts and tips down(which i hope to do from next weekend). I think it will also give the mods pause for thought, before deleting / moving threads. Again this has to be a good thing. However, if you were expecting to see some significant changes suggested then i'm glad that you are a touch disappointed. The PL has become so successful based on the current formula, its what everyone knows and enjoys. I don't want to see any massive changes. I'm happy with the guidelines and the mods. I'm happy with the strong on-line community and team spirit. If there is more tolerance and encouragement for newbies / lurkers to post stemming from this thread then thats brilliant news. Apart from that i'd like to see very little change. Hope this makes sense, and don't wish to cause insult

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Guest skiathomaniac

Huh Now i know why i stopped posting in this lounge,a lot of people on here need to grow up. Skiathomaniac(formally the artist known as ??????????,500 plus posts)

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Guest OddsAgainst

Re: Huh skiathomaniac, thanks for the constructive criticism, very helpful. This has been a great thread, IMO, and it has been correct to leave it here. In time it will probably move to Comments or even Classics if Ollie decides to keep it. There will be and should be exceptions to rules. The rules are designed to keep the Board tidy and well organised. Making this an exception does not negate that principle. There has been some great feedback here and some supportive posts as well, all of which is appreciated. Keep the comments coming because if you don't give an opinion it will probably be assumed that you are happy with the way the Board is moderated, which quite a few seem to be.

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