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**Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 4** Wednesday 11th January 9PM


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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 4** Wednesday 11th January 9PM

Don't know who all these new players are - but they're not very good :lol :lol - We've lost 30 so far - but only 1 PL'r!!!!!
And that was to a pesky bad-beat:( Where's danno - we can slag SO off together:lol
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 4** Wednesday 11th January 9PM grrrrrrrrrrr don't people understand POT ODDS?????????? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR THESE NEWBIES FECKING WELL DON'T - they may not be good but they are knuting lucky :@ :@ :@ :@ a third of my stack gone on the river to his crappy str draw Damo :cheers

Don't know who all these new players are - but they're not very good :lol :lol - We've lost 30 so far - but only 1 PL'r!!!!!
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 4** Wednesday 11th January 9PM Terrible night, had 3 kings lost to a full house on river, then had 3 aces and lost to bigger kicker, out in 118th. At least I made 35th in Safety net so made a profit on night (of 7 cents) Think i'll spend it on booze

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 4** Wednesday 11th January 9PM Out in around 115th - I raised with KJ got reraised and called. (bad move) Flop was AK5 which gave me the pair - he raised, I reraised and he put me all in. I was right in thinking he had a pocket pair, but it wasn't Queens or Jack's as I was hoping, it was Kings!!! :cry :cry :cry Deservedly beaten - good luck to everyone still in!! :ok

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 4** Wednesday 11th January 9PM out in 75th... felt hard done by tbh i raised with 10/10 and was put all in by 5/5 ...3rd to act also went all in with a/9os... after that i lost interest and took chances . went with a race early which i dont like doing but the guy was in sb and 4 limpers ..he went all in and i read him for 8/8 oa a/j+ either way i was calling with my 10's and out to a/k what hit on flop. 10's not nice to me tonight. gl to all left

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 4** Wednesday 11th January 9PM I'm out in 64th. I had 89, flop 89T, he had 9T and called my all in. Foolish of me really, but I was getting desperate to double up my stack. Good luck team Port Vale and other PL members..... :ok

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 4** Wednesday 11th January 9PM Doing quite well, got up to 4k went down to 2900 pair jacks i limp in for 150 4 callers 1 re.raise i go all in so does one other rest stack.. I turn JJ he turns QQ :@ no help on flop for straigh or anything else so bye bye in 78th.. G/L all thats left in :hope :ok

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 4** Wednesday 11th January 9PM I'm out in 60th. In the small blind with AQo, had about 1800 in chips. Someone makes it 600 to go. I think fcuk it and go all in. 1 other caller who has AJo. Original raiser calls and shows KK. And it's goodnight from me....

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 4** Wednesday 11th January 9PM

Can't register - it says i have no funds :( Logged out of the SO casino with over £150 balance 10 min ago. Any ideas
The same thing happened to me last week, went to place a bet on a football match and was told I had no funds, I had been in the poker room. Logged off and on again and all was O K. Can understand their reasons, if I bet on a football match while playing poker I could have lost the same money twice, (with my luck easy to do) Good luck to all PLers still in.
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 4** Wednesday 11th January 9PM I'm in the lead! Had some real luck tho, including stealing the blinds with 72o, catching a full house on the turn playing something like QJs, and just staying in with a pair of 9's against Q's to see the river bring 9 :)

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 4** Wednesday 11th January 9PM

I'm in the lead! Had some real luck tho' date=' including stealing the blinds with 72o, catching a full house on the turn playing something like QJs, and just staying in with a pair of 9's against Q's to see the river bring 9 :)[/quote'] Yeah - you jammy bastard :lol:lol:lol
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