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**Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 4** Wednesday 11th January 9PM


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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 4** Wednesday 11th January 9PM Hmmmmm not sure what to do.I've got the Blackburn v Man Utd match tonight so do i go.Worth noting when i last got 9th on the Dollar Up the wednesday game i came first.Do i stay or do i go.hmmmmmmmm.

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 4** Wednesday 11th January 9PM :eyes yeah rubbish - no point in coming 2nd:eyes and what a suprise - on your table and "MR LOOSE call your all in with K3 off" who beat me on monday!!!!!!!! :@ :@ :@ :@ GL all Damo :cheers

Yes it was an abyssmal performancecheeky-smiley-006.gif
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 4** Wednesday 11th January 9PM Bugger! I said in the poll that I was playing. Opened up SO poker about ten minutes ago ... waited for the table to open ... didn't open ... what's happening? ... ah, there was that little matter of registering! Well, good luck all.

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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 4** Wednesday 11th January 9PM

Bugger! I said in the poll that I was playing. Opened up SO poker about ten minutes ago ... waited for the table to open ... didn't open ... what's happening? ... ah, there was that little matter of registering! Well, good luck all.
Slapdash, I registered for Safety net and played two cash tables. Safety table started to load and suddenly vanished. I went to look for my name and it wasnt there :unsure. After 30 minutes this table pops up on my screen and its Safety Net :@. Im left with 230 chips ffs. Maybe the same story.
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 4** Wednesday 11th January 9PM

Slapdash' date=' I registered for Safety net and played two cash tables. Safety table started to load and suddenly vanished. I went to look for my name and it wasnt there :unsure. After 30 minutes this table pops up on my screen and its Safety Net :@. Im left with 230 chips ffs. Maybe the same story.[/quote'] No. I did forget to register, unfortunately. I blame it on my stalkers.
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Re: **Sporting Odds Dollar Up MTT Leg 4** Wednesday 11th January 9PM early double up for me KK raise to 150 - 3 callers J 10 8 r flop - bet pot - one caller, 3 on the turn - am all in and muppet calls with 9 5 off suit :rollin and the river was a blank :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy who-hoo :clap :clap :clap :clap Damo :cheers

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