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Poker Player Magazine


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It was great final table to watch and I caught the PL plug during the break so I thought I'd have a quick peek. I write for the PokerPlayer (Dicey/Dacey) and I've got to say it can be quite painful playing when there's a bounty on your head - you get plenty of callers whether you want them or not. Just thought I'd say a thanks for taking part (and for not giving out the password for free!). Also, I'd be interested to hear feedback about the mag. Things you might like to see, articles that you think are working or ones that you're not so keen on. And if there's criticism try to keep it constructive, eh!

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Re: betfair grand prix freeroll password

It was great final table to watch and I caught the PL plug during the break so I thought I'd have a quick peek. I write for the PokerPlayer (Dicey/Dacey) and I've got to say it can be quite painful playing when there's a bounty on your head - you get plenty of callers whether you want them or not. Just thought I'd say a thanks for taking part (and for not giving out the password for free!). Also, I'd be interested to hear feedback about the mag. Things you might like to see, articles that you think are working or ones that you're not so keen on. And if there's criticism try to keep it constructive, eh!
:welcome Dacey... good to have a Poker Player reporter (??!!) on board. Hope you'll hang around here some more as I'm sure forum members would welcome your input.
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Re: Poker Player Magazine A new thread is probably a good idea - well done, that man. It's good to hear what interested readers think about the mag. Has it got enough about the UK scene? Not enough about the poker heartland of Vegas? Does it make it you smile, think or laugh? Are there any particular strategy pieces/articles/interviews that you'd like to see. Are there any parts of the mag that you turn to first? Or do you read it cover-to-cover. This is obviously assuming that you all get the mag. And if you don't... why not?!? Any comments will be appreciated. We want to put out a great mag that will help your game, give you an foot up in terms of freerolls and where to play and hopefully be a good entertaining read as well. We love the game and believe it what we're doing but it's good to hear what other punters think as well! Cheers.

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Re: Poker Player Magazine Think you haven't gotten much constructive criticism here, because there's not much to criticise. So instead, here's two things I like about PP mag. 1. Its full of ads. I assume that's why it's so cheap. If I was watching a movie that'd be really annoying, but since I'm browing through a poker magazine, normally while doing something else, it's a great route to take since I can subscribe to it for next to nothing. Don't ever drop the ads and up the price, I think most people prefer it this way. 2. Special tournaments for readers. That's the single best thing any poker publication can offer. Obviously I'd prefer to see more of them but kudos for the ones that have been arranged, and I assume there'll be more/bigger ones to follow as the readership widens.

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Re: Poker Player Magazine I can't think of anything to criticise either... £5 for a years subscription??! Come to daddy! If you're wanting some more positive comment then I'd say it's a far better read than 'Flush'! If I find anything I'd like to offer critical comment on, I know where to find you!! :ok Keep up the good work!! PS How about a feature on poker forums like this one? Better still, why not start with this one?? :lol

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Re: Poker Player Magazine its good to have a mag that caters for British poker players. Most previously on the market were from the states, either freebies picked up in the casino that are duplicated in different languages or inside edge which is a more alround gambling mag - so well done for picking up on that gap in the market. Overall - an excellent mag, both informative and written tongue in cheek, the readers comps are a great idea - Ive already subscribed. By the way I've been running a poker club in a working mans club for the last two months, twice a week with already 40 members does that count as new on the scene !!! Keep up the good work Cheers

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Re: Poker Player Magazine Quality, glad to see my little final table plug didn't fall on deaf ears :nana I've enjoyed the three free issues of Poker Player, and have just subscribed.. can't argue with a fiver for a years worth of reading! Like others above, I'm impressed by the tourneys you've been arranging for readers.... I was lucky enough to win one of the Virgin Poker freerolls ($600, lovely!) so I couldn't be happier really.

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Re: Poker Player Magazine Well, that's all good to hear. The more readers we have the easier it is to get advertisers on board and the more likely it is that they'll do freeroll offers, which in turns helps more people to read the mag etc etc etc. The idea is to keep the cover price low - ultimately it's not my decision whether that will change - for all the reasons you've mentioned. The idea of covering forums (not just this one!) has been mentioned; what can you learn from forums and what else do they offer you. Plenty of other things coming up this year and I'll look at any suggestions (possibly ignore them and possibly use them). Anyway, good to hear that we're heading in the right direction.

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Re: Poker Player Magazine

Could you post a link/website where we can sign up for the magazine please?
https://secure.widearea.co.uk/dennis/campaigns/3458/Opening.html A feature on forums does sound like a good idea.. I'm a member of a few, you can find a lot of good tournaments & promotions if you, erm, forum-hop :$........ Punters Lounge is where I find myself returning every day though!
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Re: Poker Player Magazine

https://secure.widearea.co.uk/dennis/campaigns/3458/Opening.html A feature on forums does sound like a good idea.. I'm a member of a few, you can find a lot of good tournaments & promotions if you, erm, forum-hop :$........ Punters Lounge is where I find myself returning every day though!
Just as well you put that last line in or the boys would have been paying you a visit! :lol TQM heads up the PL heavy mob!! ;)
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Re: Poker Player Magazine things off the top of my head a decent reveiw/round up of poker clubs & casino's etc - what games they offer, when, etc encouraging us to get out there. This is the trickiest thing moving to live from online, so why not follow someone who makes that leap? (i don't mind volunteering ;) ) player profiles - these are great, so more more more :clap :clap a guide to series (omaha, 7 card stud, how to play heads up etc) focus on the 'normal' people playing poker - it IS great to read about Hachem/Brunson/Ivey etc, but home games are great as well masterclass on playing 'tricky' cards i.e JJ 10 10 etc - maybe a panel of pro's give their advice - similarly a 'how should I have played this column?' for people to send their requests into and have it answered by an 'expert'? I would love to see a rough guide to Vegas/Atlantic City/Foxwoods etc - places to stay, eat and play - proper in depth article or three, not just a column or so - that would be ace err all I can think of at the mo - will get back to you with other stuff as I think about it Cheers Damo :cheers

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Re: Poker Player Magazine Or you can ring 0870 444 8634. The Masterclass on certain starting hands is something that's looking almost 100% to be done - should be good - probably written by John Vorhaus (he's just started writing our online strategy). Knows his onions and writes in a very entertaining and understandable way. We've started covering home games (Poker Nights) but thanks for the other suggestions. At the moment most of the focus is on Hold'em, primarily no-limit, as it's the first step for most people as well as being the biggest game at the moment. But we're definitely going to broaden into omaha, stud etc in the future.

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Re: Poker Player Magazine nice to hear matey - yeah I am a Nold-em freak like hte rest of the planet - have just strated with omaha...... nice to hear about the masterclass - some hands are just really trickey to play, or to get away from - so advice/guidnce welcome thanks for the quick response cheers Damo

Or you can ring 0870 444 8634. The Masterclass on certain starting hands is something that's looking almost 100% to be done - should be good - probably written by John Vorhaus (he's just started writing our online strategy). Knows his onions and writes in a very entertaining and understandable way. We've started covering home games (Poker Nights) but thanks for the other suggestions. At the moment most of the focus is on Hold'em, primarily no-limit, as it's the first step for most people as well as being the biggest game at the moment. But we're definitely going to broaden into omaha, stud etc in the future.
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Re: Poker Player Magazine Dacey. Last night was The Poker Player 'Guerilla Poker freeroll' on Poker.co.uk. I didn't realise until I had downloaded the software that it was Boss Media. :@ Now I understand that it isn't a brilliant idea for your mag to annoy potential advertisers, but this outfit are a joke. Time and time again on various skins we have an evenings poker ruined by software/connection/rubber band issues. I am certain that their poker response team ( :lol -now thats a case for the trade descriptions Act. An obvious case of false advertising.) know that there are issues, but the standard responses are ridiculous. I can accurately predict exactly what they are going to say over any issue. Read this thread when you have an hour or six; http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20900 This isn't the only issue either with Boss Media. On Sporting odds there is a large contingent of Hungarians who talk in their native tongue (against the rules) to collude with each other (again against the rules). I saw this happen as an observer, contacted live support to be told, "If you are not currently playing you cannot complain".:\ Sporting Odds have also had a poker tourney for UK and Ireland residents only, yet allowed anyone from anywhere to enter. I may have highlighted Sporting odds, but you can be assured this lack of care has happened on almost every Boss Media site I have played on. The other issue I have with this skin is that they seem to be taking on a lot of clients - Virgin, sporting odds, Poker.co.uk, Everton, Mermaid, Canbet, Total Poker. In fact there are loads, these are just the ones I'm aware of. And you know what? Boss Media only allow 4 registrations from 1 PC. So if I have Sporting odds, Canbet, Virgin and Poker.co.uk I cannot then register an account for Mermaid. This is a ludicrous situation. What can we do? Rant over, for now.

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Re: Poker Player Magazine Yup, it was a pain. Spoke to them this morning and they weren't too happy about it either so they've said they'll double the one in two months time to a $2,000 freeroll. Helps to ease the pain, eh? Personally the weirdness tilted me into a terrible all-in raise on two overcards and open-ended straight draw.. into aces. RE the software: While I do have to be diplomatic about certain things I'm still a poker punter at the heart of it so I fully appreciate some of the comments that have been made. I'll definitely have a look at that thread. Cheers for the pointer.

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