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Stacks Poker (new poker room, preview player freerolls)


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Found this the other day, the software looks pretty impressive from the screenshots, and they're currently accepting new signups to preview/test the site.. there will be freerolls available just for the preview players. See below: Stacks Preview Players Stacks Poker is now recruiting Stacks Preview Players to beta test its ground-breaking software. Stacks has taken a unique approach to its beta period by structuring the test as a competition. Stacks Preview Players will be granted access to nightly free roll tournaments, allowing them to start building their real money stacks before launch! The participant who accumulates the most cash through the nightly free rolls will be crowned the Beta Champion and receive a great prize package courtesy of StacksPoker.com. Becoming a Stacks Preview Player is absolutely free! For the duration of the test participants will have the opportunity to experiment with the site and relay feedback to the development team. Stacks Preview Players will play an important role in the fine tuning of what is to be the internet’s most advanced poker room. Interested? Sign up today on the Player Sign Up page of our website! :ok

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