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Beginner at this


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Re: Beginner at this Yes i have been thinking of that but what you do is raise also aginst your friend sometimes and then you split the money later. the thing to be spoted by is that to player is playing always at the same time i havent figured out somthing to prevent them from noticed this..............;) and no hungarian just swedish and bad english :lol Best Regards John

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Re: Beginner at this jgadefelth. You say you are a beginner at this yet you seem to have grasped (a little too quickly) the methods available to those who choose to use technology to steal money from unsuspecting poker players. When I first started playing poker online I never considered how to cheat some one. I was only interested in getting better at poker. This poker section has a lot of active members and have had a huge amount of collective success, but would NEVER stoop so low as to even think about cheating another player. The players on here have taken time to understand and answer your questions to the best of their ability, yet instead of learning the game you seem more interested in how to steal. Please feel free to continue to ask for advice on how to improve at poker, but not how to steal.

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Re: Beginner at this V, John is a newbie, that i can confirm. He has emailed me a few times regarding different betting techniques etc, mostly on another forum, but this is the first time he has mentioned cheating/collusion. I think he is trying to find an edge to help his gambling, so John, take this as a smack on the wrists. We don't mind helping each other to get an edge, but there are limits - you're crossing those in this thread. Stick around and get clued up on the different techniques being used. This should prove more productive for you in the long term. George

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Re: Beginner at this [url=http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/member.php?u=6956]Valiant23what is your problem as i sad before i have no atenchen to use it but i investigate everything in every game. First i was very intrested in arbing you know covering every outcome 1x2 at the bookies but after i have investigate it very carefully i come to the conclusion that it was nothing to me. Im shore you have noticed that i have posted a lot of threads and questions here about the most of gambling to find wath is the best for me to bet on and what strategy. I also have in the last week beginning to read and learning a little about poker and texas hold em and this is one of the thing a came to think about as you can see i have sad that i am not going to use it just curious maybee to prevent it from happening to me. Know i have sad how it is, and it is know up to you if you will jurdge me more or not................................... Regards John

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Re: Beginner at this John. "What is your problem?" Well I have a receding hairline, I'm not getting any younger and I have no where near enough money, but thank you for your concern.:ok I have just read this thread from start to finish and I have seen several occasions where you have asked a question and received more than enough information in a reply. Then you will ask a question that has already been answered in the previous post. Despite this, many members of this Poker Section have continued to offer advice and support, including giving step by step instructions. Now today you have made several posts on the merits of cheating at poker, and I don't think I'm the only person who will read your post and think that you seem to be in favour of it. Poker players here have been the victims of cheating, and I think that all PLers AND the majority of poker players find it a disgraceful activity. You say you have an interest in poker, which is why you ask about cheating. Isn't that the same as me having an interest in how to make money, then discussing the merits and advantages of armed robbery? I am not very quick to judge people John, but when I do judge someone I'm very rarely wrong by the way.

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Re: Beginner at this john, as Valiant says, you`ve made enough suggestions about collusion/cheating to require the need to nip the subject in the bud on what is a great forum. there`s enough great advice on here for anybody to reach a decent standard of play without resorting to dirty tricks. even mentioning it in a discussion/beginner thread "soils" the forum imho. shape up or ship out john, don`t spoil the atmosphere.

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Re: Beginner at this

Now today you have made several posts on the merits of cheating at poker' date= and I don't think I'm the only person who will read your post and think that you seem to be in favour of it.
That's how it came across to me.
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Re: Beginner at this Valiant 23. Like i sad im intrested att all the aspects to see if im intrested in the game i comsider everything to see if it is my "game" one of the thing is risk. If I was a cheater it will not serve me to spoil everything here by say how it is dun i would just do it and be quit about it also as u can se am the one that have mentioned it all so if i was i cheater i know enought to use it a think. In short if a was as cheater it is onlogical to reveal it to a great forum instead of just keep it to myself. On the otherhand if i am intrested in poker and how to learn it i will also see to the risk and this is one of the risk, i think it is intresting to know about it and how to prevent it from happen to me and others. When a was reading of Arbing the risk was mostly with the bookies cansels the bet and some other things. Here it is cheating and like in all the betting your self. Best Regards John

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Re: Beginner at this TAKEN FROM NY TIMES When It Comes to Poker, Working Together Is Against the Rules By MATT RICHTEL f.gifor years, pundits have debated the relative merits of interaction in the real world versus interaction online. They appear to have missed a more pressing issue: where is it easier to cheat in poker? The debate is of no small consequence to Sean Stephens, who oversees security for Paradise Poker, a popular virtual poker hall. Mr. Stephens is like a bouncer at a Las Vegas card room eyeballing the joint for cheats, the difference being that he can't actually see anybody. "I suppose it is some disadvantage not to see personal interaction, but we have so many more tools to use," he said, referring to the data-collection devices at his disposal. The growing popularity of gambling on the Internet is well documented, but the rise of interest in poker is a curious subset to the phenomenon. Unlike virtual blackjack or slots, poker is played against other players, not a computer. The actual players, far-flung in homes or offices, sit in cyberspace around a green felt table. A computer dealer doles out cards, then the players go head-to-head in games like 7-Card Stud, Omaha or Texas Hold 'Em; with a click of the mouse, they can call a hand, raise or fold. "I yell at the screen, the game moves fast -- it's brought some of the fun of playing back for me," said Stephen Badger, 42, who in 1999 won the world championship playing the game Omaha, and took home the $186,000 prize. He plays poker professionally, a job that once entailed commutes to Los Angeles, but increasingly involves plopping down in his home office and competing against players worldwide.

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Indeed, the electronic version of the game has developed a following, despite its questionable legal standing. Depending on whom you ask, the casino operators may or may not be violating federal and, in particular, state laws that regulate gaming activity, explaining why the casinos are typically based in the Caribbean. At prime time, about 2,000 players compete in Paradise Poker, which is in Costa Rica, the majority playing at tables where the betting limit is $2 to $6 a raise, a modest sum by poker standards. At the high end, players can bet $40 a raise, still modest (considering that in Las Vegas or in Los Angeles, some tables permit raises of $800 or more), but the pots can still top $300. The twist, poker aficionados say, is that the participants are not exactly playing old-world poker but are engaging in a mutated form of the game. The Internet has eliminated the pokerface; it is no longer possible to study the players around the table to determine if they are fidgeting, nervously fondling their chips, or otherwise indicating they are excited, bluffing or distraught. Mr. Badger, who has chronicled the difference between Internet and physical-world poker on his Web site, www.playwinningpoker.com, says the online world greatly eliminates the element of reading players, the emotional element of poker. In online poker, he said, greater significance is placed on math, on the pure value of a given hand. That said, he has learned to pick up a person's bluffing or betting strategy with clues like how quickly players click the mouse to place a bet. "Sometimes, people are habitually slow, and sometimes, they play like lightning," he said. "It's readable." The absence of face-time has led to a debate about the relative ease of cheating on the Internet. Two or more players, sitting at different computers, may be communicating by phone. Not only can they collude to raise the pot and drive out other players, but they can share the contents of their hands. Another way of cheating online, Mr. Badger said, is that someone who realizes he is facing a losing hand will refuse to respond to a request (for a raise or fold), and pretend his Internet connection is down. Mr. Stephens of Paradise Poker said that the operation had methods of finding cheaters. In fact, he said the online world had policing advantages over the physical card rooms. The company, he said, monitors play using a variety of automated and manual data-collecting techniques. He declined to reveal all of the company's methods, but it can typically tell the location of players who are logged on and determine whether a player is "sitting" at a table with someone from the same city. Automated software sends e-mail messages to the company's security employees, warning whether a player is raising a bid on a weak hand or folding a strong one, suggesting the player might be colluding. In many cases, manual investigation of the hand indicates the player may have made a mistake or was ignorant, but in some cases, the question is unresolved, and Paradise Poker sends an e-mail to the player indicating the company is suspicious. In the few cases where a violation seems self-evident, a player is banned. But a clear indication that the online casinos remain nervous about cheating is that they have kept the table stakes low. Bruce Davidson, the head of marketing for Paradise Poker, said the company worried that if it raised the stakes, it would invite more sophisticated cheaters and hackers. The online casino estimated that if 2,000 players were logged on, two or three might be engaged in suspicious behavior and one was probably trying to cheat. The keepers of physical-world card houses suggested that their online brethren were minimizing the problem. Doug Dalton, the director of poker operations for MGM Mirage, said that poker cheaters could be so sufficiently sophisticated that a virtual tableful could collude to cheat a single sucker, a situation that would be tough for online counterparts to catch. "They seem to think they have it fixed," Mr. Dalton said, referring to Paradise's methods. "But the thing about electronics is that you only have it fixed until the next time it happens." Football-Tipper :)

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