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Sin City Pt1


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Day B4 Departure.... We need to be at Manchester Airport for about 7:30am and the drive is about 2hrs from here...So I'm off to bed at 10pm for a few hrs shut eye......... 30 mins later I'm up and wide awake, The GF and I decide to take a nice slow drive across to Manchester, We pull up at the services about 20 miles from Manchester @ about 3am :\ Time for a little kip in the car (how can I explain this....Remember when you are 5 year old and its the day b4 Xmas!! Well that's what I'm like now..Can I buggery get to sleep so a little drink and a sandwich later we are off again. Arrive @ Manchester Airport @ 5.30 am (early I know but I have a cunning plan:) ) OK all you 6ft + lads will know how bad it is with leg-room on flights, so I guess coz we are nice and early we will get good seats..:ok Yup 2 wing seats loads of room:cheers Problem 1, My TV screen isn't working:( Problem 1 solved I tilt the GFs screen coz she's fast asleep and catch a few films which help to pass the flight to Chicago also the nice woman from BMI filled out a complaint form for me so I should be getting something back off them ;) Problem 2, It's snowing now in Manchester and we are on the plane but not moving.....ICE ON THE WINGS :unsure We will be delayed about 1hr while they de-ice the wings... Problem 3, We only had about 2hrs to spare at Chicago now we are 1hr behind so we are going to miss out 14:45 flight on to Vegas :cry Do not worry we have you another flight lined up says the nice woman in Chicago.....20:05 :@ We are also told that we are on waiting lists for other flights to Vegas so its :hope BINGO we get called for a 16:55 flight :ok BUGGER it's delayed by 1hr 30 :sad To cut the story short we make it into Vegas about 21:00 :loon WOW what a place...:eek PIC 1 Caesars Palace from across the road from our Hotel dsc005967tl.jpg TBC. DAY 2 and onwards Football-Tipper :)

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