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Hello boys & girls.... Whats the weather like in England?? Nice and sunny here.... Well where do I start.... My 1st live table play was a little funny.... Went to the booth to sign up for some $1/$2 Limit just to get myself up with rules and signed up for the $55 tourny by mistake :unsure Well 3 1/2 hrs later I had won the tourny and took $900 off the yanks :rollin Next day came 3rd and took $250 Day after that got invited to a no limits table and took $550 off them lol geees why do the yanks drink and gamble:loon :loon Easy winnings... Speak soon FT :nana :nana

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Re: Hi from VEGAS BABY

Do you do this for a living' date=' GaF??[/quote'] Nah - I need to eat :loon I'm playing for 50% of the ferrari - I want the half with the engine in!!!!! :lol If I have as big a chance as the other finalists - that's a 1 in 600 chance of winning the Ferrari!!! Great odds IMO!! These are good promos from PP.net - recommend you all try out for the current "High Flier" one!!
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Re: Hi from VEGAS BABY Sorry Football-Tipper, no Ferrari for you tonight :sad Out in 340th....... Was UTG and short stacked (about 550 chips) with blinds of 150/75 approaching and got dealt JKo - in 2 hands I'd have been down to about 300 chips - felt I had to make my stand ..... so pushed all in - 2 callers and that was that..... Didn't feel I got going really - only won one hand all night (again all in pre flop when short stacked - no callers) - just semed to be frittering my (your!!!) chips away slowly......but not hitting anywthing I felt I could play with ...... a few times I was half tempted to gamble a bit - but it's hard to do that when you're playing for someone else (imagine if I told you I'd been knocked out with 72o :lol) - but I probably needed to make some moves earlier - in the end I was too conservative, and that cost me....... Keep winning in Vegas and you may be able to afford to buy one by the end of the week :tongue2

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