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Live Games


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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Live Games I played in my first live game on Thursday night at Napoleans Casino in Hillsborough, Sheffield. It was amazing and was less nerve racking than I thought it would be. 9pm start, 10 tables, 11 handed, £10 + £1 buy-in with rebuys and 1 add-on after 1 1/2 hours. The prize pool reached £4,400 due to some appalling plays / calls with the final table of 10 getting cash. I was invited to go by a couple of my 6th formers who have turned 18 recently and I think I'll be going with them every week, despite the fact that I got knocked out in about 35th at around the 1.30am mark (on a school night!!!). One of the 6th formers got 8th and took home £165 (and playing until 3.30am) If you haven't played live yet then do it as soon as you can.

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Re: Live Games Played pot limit tuesdays at the other Napoleans in SHeffield on eccleshall road, been four times and finished on the top table three, taken over a grand home with me. Also run a poker club in a village not far from Sheffield, currently got 36 members which is not to bad only started a month ago, play nl every wednesday and friday nights, obviously the pots are not as big but we paid out over £300 this week. WOuld like to play NL in the casino's may give the other one in SHeffield a shot

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Re: Live Games I play every Friday in a couple of different tournaments in East Belfast. Best one is a £15 + £10 rebuy which I've came 2nd, 3rd and 5th. My profits outweigh my stakes placed at the minute so I'm happy with my progress. I had a lot of trouble not giving away any tells at the start and now I'm starting to pick up on some off other players. I also go to a £5 + £5 freezeout. Not as well run but still good fun. The cheap stakes give a lot of players an introduction to the game. I've won this one once, 3rd another time and nowhere in my other game I've played. The only downside to the tournament is they only pay 2 places (out of 20 players) There are other places in the city: Winners in Yorkgate, I tried a maniac £10 rebuy and got stuffed (although they do have freezeout competitions for higher stakes) www.thekingswayclub.com - I mean to try this in the coming weeks. www.thecavendishclub.com, the creme de la creme of poker in Belfast, I've yet to play here. I love my Friday games but I'm definately a low stakes player like I am on the net. I enjoy my poker, the small profits that go with it are a bonus.

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Re: Live Games

Big Al I'm planning on playing at Owlerton tomorrow night, need to make myself a member there first, do you know what time registration for the tourney starts and roughly whats the latest you get there before all seats are taken ? Cheers Mike
It may be a bit late now but here goes... Reg starts at 8pm and seating starts at 9pm. Last week there was a massive queue by about 8.20pm and I wouldn't bother joining the line after that as it is limited to 110 players. I won't be there this week or next due to drinking committments but I will be going next on Dec 29th. Hope this helps
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Re: Live Games Gents-why not incorporate the PL race day? I missed the last one but really wanna go to this one. The day normally ends with a visit to 'other establishments' and the casino.

Feb 4th it is then. :cow Not sure how busy it is then, but tickets won't be a problem I imagine. ;)
Beer and hotels paid for as usual - so I believe you're there! :loon
more details here; http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11143&page=44
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Re: Live Games I'm up for a trip to Gutshot if the invite is an open one! Gazza I notice you're not far from Essex.. me & a few friends will be heading down to Westcliff Casino near Southend-on-Sea soon for a night of poker. http://www.westcliffcasino.co.uk/gaming/texas_poker.html Fridays & Saturdays look to be a good shot at actually cashing - Sit & Go's from £20 to £100 all evening. The rest of the week there are rebuy tourneys which could be a good laugh too. If you're up for it some time over the festive period drop me an email fella

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Re: Live Games Was thinking about signing up for the raceday on 4th Feb anyway if anyone else is - Sandown is a course I've not been to before. Would be good to play a bit of poker too although makes it a hell of a long day and not sure my brain will function :zzz if had too many lagers. (although my wife and I go racing quite a bit and we go for the racing not the drink)

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Re: Live Games

Cheers Big Al Got there by 7:30 and was one of the first to register, its a bit of a crapshoot in the rebuy period, got down to the last 6 tables, before my pocket 10s got busted by trip 6s, only had the one rebuy, will def go again
Yeah at the start I played extremely tight as some of the calls / plays seemed like lunacy. There was one hand where I was in the small blind with pocket tens. There was a raise, a call, an all in reraise, 2 callers, and another all in reraise before it got round to me. I chucked my cards away in a flash. When the cards were turned over (4 people all in after the action went around) they showed 44, 66, KTo and believe it or not the all in reraise showed 84h and he went on to hit a chuffing flush (nice hand says one person at the table :unsure ). I didn't rebuy and managed to scrape through to the last three tables. I can still hear the dealers calling "CHIPS" now. I'll definitely become a regular at Owlerton although the next time I play there will probably be on the 29th over the Xmas period. I am going to give the other Napoleons on Ecclesall Road a chance this Tuesday to see if that is any good. Might see you around the tables sometime (keep an eye out for a 6 ft 4, 20st, General Zod (from Superman) lookalike :lol )
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Re: Live Games I play live, but not as much as i'd like cos it's not exactly on the doorstep and games start at 9:30 in the evening... a bit of a bummer if you're working the next day. I started playing at the Grosvenor in Walsall. They have games every night, ranging from £5 buy-in on a Friday, to £50 games midweek. Games were really good when I first started, but since about this time last year, standard of play has gone downhill because al lthe internet players have started turning up. A lot of the better players have moved to another casino now. I've started going there occasionally, but that is even further away. It takes me about 30 mins to get to about 1.5 miles from the place, then another 20 mins for that last 1.5 miles! But, play is much better there. The new place is.... bang! aaaaarrrrrgggggghhhhhhh ;)

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Re: Live Games Big AL I've been eccleshall road 4 times and finished in the money 3. Its not as busy get about 60-odd players each time, the games pot limit, still alot of dodgy calls in the rebuy period - 2 hours. Might bump into you some time All the best Mike

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Re: Live Games Forgot to say earlier... I organise a game with some workmates (although I am getting a little bit of interest from others too) once a fortnight. We play 2 games each time, 1st pot limit, 2nd no limit. Lasts about 4 hours total... and I've got to deal the whole time! Doesn't do the back any good. But it's great fun. Best thing is... I only charge £1 entry, so prize isn't huge, but play is normally very good (except for one player who regrets folding K2 when he hit trip 2's on the river, even though I had a nut flush. "Yes, but I had trip 2's" he kept saying!).

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  • 5 weeks later...

Re: Live Games a busier schedule than normal this week but live games for me tomorrow (Waterloo), Wednesday (Twickenham) and Friday (Clapham). Could play tonight (Waterloo) but giving it a miss. Also, another game in Twickenham every other Tuesday, Gutshot (once monthly/every other month) and I used to play another Twickenham game every Thursday although gone off that one. What choice :nana ps - being a cheapskate, all of the above games are £5 rebuys or £10 freezeouts. If I want bigger action, there's even more choice.

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  • 5 weeks later...

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