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No Limit Texas Hold Em Scrabble (Omaha H/L)


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Edumacational and fun! Each player is dealt two tiles and there is a round of betting. The flop is dealt comprising 3 more tiles. Another round of betting Then a Turn Tile and a River Tile with the appropriate rounds of betting. The pot is split between the who has the longest word and who's word is the most valuable. Whaddya thinK????

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Re: No Limit Texas Hold Em Scrabble (Omaha H/L) Quick - copyright the idea before betfair start it up :D It is a good idea but if its omaha then you have to start off with 4 tiles.... and must use only 2 of them for each of the options...... of course Heniek will win every time as the Poles have so many words with virtually every combination of letters and no vowels :rollin

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