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Nordicbet $50,000 freeroll


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Re: Nordicbet $50,000 freeroll

Does anybody know how to find the stats (number of players left, leaderboard, etc.) for this? I'm playing in it, but it doesn't seem to be listed in the lobby any more.
Yeah it is in the lobby........ I'm in 665th......
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Re: Nordicbet $50,000 freeroll open the tournament lobby, you can find stats there. With the tournament lobby open you can also get stats on your table by clicking "Show stats" After losing a few hands, I doubled through by flat calling UTG with AA. A guy to my left raised and I re-raised. I hit an all in after the flop 88J and he stupidly called with nothing (KQ). Up to 2300 chips.

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Re: Nordicbet $50,000 freeroll Slapdash - It's under MultiTable Tournaments then Freeroll ...... Not sure why you can't see it - some sites have a "show registering" option - can't immediately see one here - but can you see any games in progress?

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Re: Nordicbet $50,000 freeroll lol ..

flerra> f fdf flerra> fd flerra> fd flerra> s flerra> Drainman folded > HappyFeeling folded > slapdash folded > HamRider folded > memumi folded flerra> fd flerra> Sesan called for 100 > flerra went all-in for 2,325 flerra> * flerra> asjdDS Pokermgr124> Please refrain from spamming or your chat may be disabled.
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Re: Nordicbet $50,000 freeroll ....playing with ultra-aggressive Scandinavians when you're being dealt mostly unplayable hands and not connecting with the flop when you do have some sort of a hand is not my idea of fun. :@ EDIT: Finished in 4892nd. No fun being turned and rivered when they get a set of 7s with their 75o after you go all-in when you get a pair of Qs on the flop. :cry

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