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My poker stats using pokertracker


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Well I thought I should give this a good go and see if it was any good and I must say at the momentI like it. It does say I am a semi-loose-aggressive/passive plater. So I am a slap(per) some things dont change then. I thought over the next few weeks I will post my results up so you can see for yoursleves firstly how bad a player I am and secondly to see if tracker works. It will also show other players so could be a good reference if you come accross any of these players. Any way I have decided to go and play on laddies for a while. I have often struggled on laddies but i'll give it a go. I will upload a spread sheet everytime I have played and it will show how much money everyone has made/lost, how many hands each player has played and for how long as well as how many sessions each player has played. It must be pointed out it will only record players I have played against. Finally my user name od lassies in planty01. If you have any questions/opinions please fire away.

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Re: My poker stats using pokertracker Nice one staffy. Just to stress as well to people - that's a summary Staffy has put up - there's loads and loads of stats on each of these players and their playing styles........ This will grow into a huge file!!! Mine currently lists 1731 players. Don't forget as well, you can leave it running at tables you're not playing at - to get stats on your opponents - useful to do 1/2 hour or so before you start on a table, so that you have a feel on your opponents from the moment you sit down......

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Re: My poker stats using pokertracker Thanks GAF. Would also like to say that this is not me showing off because I have made money. This is me putting pressure on myself to do well to make me play more sensibly. The theory behind it is if I know I have to post my results up I might play better.

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