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Streaks and Poker Philosophy


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WHINGE ALERT.....WHINGE ALERT I've read about streaks and the philosophy of when you are on a bad run - I really didn't think it happen to me but the last five days have been utterley amazing. I can even pin-point the moment it started. Some joker hitting his one and only out on during a tourny on Sunday, I thought "och well - never mind" but I started to get suspicious when this happened again and again and again, Monday was a particulary painful one when sitting in 60th pos in the Sun Final my 5000 chips got stolen buy a joker who had no business calling me, let alone getting his one of two outs on the river. Now, I know this happens all the time and my personal philosophy is that "if you haven't got the nuts then losing is a possibility - don't beat yourself up" but I've been beating myself up.....:wall It has even got to the humiliating stage where I now close my eyes when the flop arrives :rollin and if necessary, cover up the river - how stupid am I? Last night was just ridiculous and I just managed to stop myself and turn off the PC when I started playing at levels way beyond my norm whilst trying to recoup losses - which we all know is a daft thing to do. 5 days and counting....but I've heard some streaks have lasted for months. It now has affected my confidence and I'm playing ultr-cautious, which is not my style. Thanks for listening to my rant.

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Re: Streaks and Poker Philosophy Nothing wrong with ultra cautious play. Switch off the computer and don't play for a few days - that's why i've been quite quiet recently. You'll get the urge to play again, but go for some of the cheaper STTs to get your head back in play mode. Once you win a few or just get your money back, get more aggressive and back into your old style of play. Sometimes the best way to catch a break is to take a break. Don't go chasing your losses though, just work on new profits. Just my opinion.

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Re: Streaks and Poker Philosophy Agree.. take a break.. I havent played poker for almost 2weeks now.. And wont have time for it until sunday or monday... And thats all because of my KK looses.. So take a break.. drink some beer, relax, and have fun for some days or more. and then come back in your old style.. :ok

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Re: Streaks and Poker Philosophy Yep, been there. Haven't played myself for over 2 weeks now due to a bad run I was on and work commitments interfering (which is why I haven't posted much recently). Stick to tight and aggressive play and you should be ok but make sure you change gears later in tournament play.

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Re: Streaks and Poker Philosophy Wise Words Fellas...... I love my poker though, I look forward to a game, a joint and a bottle of vino collapso. I shall have another go tonight and look on it as a bit of fun, I shall record my 3% bad beats here. I shall even look at the flop, turn and river! :rollin

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Re: Streaks and Poker Philosophy TQM might have hit on something actually. When I'm mightily pissed at the poker gods and no 'kecskee';) (goats) are available to sacrifice I do one of the following; Play a $1 STT and play ultra tight. Play Heads Up on SO-the different format really allows you to blow off some steam. Look for a freeroll and play like a muppet (yes I know-no change there).:D I may be on my way to taking a break though too.:(

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Re: Streaks and Poker Philosophy Not sure about you lot but I've gone months on bad streaks nevermind 5 days. Basically just to agree with everyone else here, poker's a psychological game and if you're not in the right place psychologically, you won't play well, so taking a break is absolutely a good thing to do. Also, any time you want to move up stakes on a losing streak, you should be doing exactly the opposite, moving down!

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