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Sporting Odds Question


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Re: Sporting Odds Question No minimum deposit Rake is taken from all hands where the pot reaches $1 in called bets I am still waiting for my free inside edge subscription and poker guide - have been registered for 6+ weeks Anything else - there are quite a few threads regarding Sporting odds poker in this forum, take a look! On balance i get the feeling that everyone's patience is begining to wear at some of the issues that have been raised - personally don't really have a problem, its not my most preferred site, and i struggle with the 'raise' box, but there are worse out there

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Re: Sporting Odds Question Hmm. I've deposited £10 through bank transfer which gave me about $17. If you play the 5c/10c tables as long as there is a rake on the hand (I think the pot has to get to $1) and you have contributed to the pot that counts as a raked hand. I've only played about 100 raked hands and got a $30 bonus. To get the other $70 I've got to play another 400 or so. As regards playing the cash tables I'd recommend reading this thread before you do - so you know what you're letting yourself in for.:@ Some (GaF?, for example) have done really well, but others (like me) find it more painful than this :wall :wall :wall :wall http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20114&highlight=Muppets Mrs V ordered her IE on 19/9 and her copy came through on Monday. Anything else;

  • There seems to be a large Hungarian contingent. Watch the table chat.:@
  • The live help are useless (imo).
  • Sporting Odds need a kick up the backside from time to time.
  • Log in problems/crashes seem to be as bad as BetFred
  • Every time you log in or out there is a bug in the software which takes a couple of 1c every time - this mounts up when combined with the breakdowns. Lost 20c 1 day just by trying to log in.:\

Despit the many cons, this is at the moment one of my favourites, due in part to the twice weekly dollar up (excellent value), and the Heads Up MTT's which are exciting and slightly addictive. I think the amount of SO threads on this section shows how popular they are, but they can try your patience.

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Re: Sporting Odds Question I get confused by raked hands to earn bonuses as always assumed they were only earned on the cash tables, not in STTs. As the cash tables scare me I stay away (1. cos I know I would chase losses, 2. I like to know if someone goes all-in that they are risking being out, not coming back with a bigger wad). Assuming this to be the case, the strange thing was I did actually earn the full $100 bonus on SO by only playing STTs for real money ! I seem to remember asking them if STTs counted towards the bonus and they said no, but I didn't argue when they paid it shortly after !

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Re: Sporting Odds Question Just what I've found works well on the SO tables, not sure if my advice is worth anything, but in case anyone finds it useful, 2 things - 1. Only play NL/PL. If you play a FL game on SO there's so much implicit collusion, which is to say that everyone calling makes it the right play for you to call also - that it's almost impossible to beat the rake unless you get lucky. 2. It's populated by poor players who get pot committed, so value raise on hands like medium pairs/suited connectors quite aggressively. If you miss and the flop looks buyable try it, if not put it straight down. The income from being paid big by those players on hands where you do hit and get called down by top pair more than pays for the raises. Also people will call when you raise aggressively with premium hands. I found myself raising 4x BB on there, or not playing the hand at all, standard tight aggressive play but with more value raising. Hands like 56 suited etc go way up in value because muppets play bad hands but 'something hands'. So your cards are more likely to be live since most hole cards in play are grouped around the top of the deck. Just my thoughts, I may be full of it :D

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Re: Sporting Odds Question Good points Guesswest - could be a reason I don't make much on low level limit tables. One other point. If I join the sportsbook, deposit £10 and get my free £20 bet - can I still deposit on the poker table and qualify for that bonus as well? And can I transfer funds between sportbook and poker? I'm just looking to double up on my intial deposits.

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