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Etiquette at Poker Online Sites


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Hi guys, I'm pretty new to poker... One thing I have noticed is a fair amount of trash talking on pokerstars where I play. It seems that there are more negative comments than postive ones. The occasional gh or gg ... but usually negative ****ers! I'm wondering, is this the norm or is it just something that I've happened to experience? Is this a part of their tactics to psyche you out? I thought this may be the case since it occurred more later in tourneys. I'm also starting to think that most people who play poker haven't seen the light of day for a long time, and they forget that there are real people behind these computers. Anyway, I'm a jolly chap, so I'll continue to just be myself damnit!

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Re: Etiquette at Poker Online Sites You do get people who play online poker who try and wind you up by typing shit. You find a lot of people on here turn the chat option off so you cant see what is being said so they dont get affected by it all. I tend to leave it on but let it go over my head doesn't really bother me what people are typing to be honest. It's always nice to see people getting wound up and they are sometimes the best people to target as they might go on tilt. People will try anything to get the upper hand that's why they type shite i guess. Good luck with your poker in the future and hopefully make some nice money from it.

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Re: Etiquette at Poker Online Sites I'd agree with Staffy here - generally people who get aggressive in chat are likely to be on tilt/very prone to going on tilt. (Of course, they could be clever players who WANT you to think that.) I'm unfailingly polite, partly because it normally winds up the a***holes more than shouting at them would anyway ;)

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