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The Sun Poker Championships


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I've sent them answers to the questions they put to me and thought I'd put them here so everyone can get a read before they're put on the website. I haven't included my picture in this thread as it's too damn scary for even me to look at! :ok

Congratulations on securing a seat in the Sun Poker Championship live final to be held at The Palm Beach Casino, <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />London on Saturday 3rd December 2005.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

For now, you need do nothing more than to revel in your success; you will be contacted nearer the time with full details of the final.

In the meantime however, The Sun Online would like to run an article on each of the qualifiers. If you are happy to be featured on The Sun website, please could you answer the following questions and, if possible, forward a photo of yourself to me;

We understand PLBrael2 isn't your real name, so how did you come up with it?

PL stands for punterslounge.com, the worlds best betting forum! Brael is a combination of my surname and my wife’s name, Elaine. The 2 is because I’ve got so many of these registered now it’s the only way I can keep using it!

What do you do for a living?

Purchasing Officer

May we ask how old are you?


What's your favourite poker moment?

Heads-up in The Sun Weekly Qualifier Final when I called my opponent with a pair of 3’s and won!

What's your worst poker moment?

Finding out that the date for this final clashes with my football team’s, Greenock Morton, home league clash with their rivals for promotion, Partick Thistle!

Do you have a poker hero?

No, but I do have respect for anyone who plays the game and puts up tens of thousands of their own cash to try and turn it into a couple of million. That must take nerves of steel… it certainly wouldn’t be me!

When did you start playing poker?

About 6 months ago.

What made you want to start playing poker?

Curiosity. I could see it taking-off online and just wanted to give it a go.

How was your first game, did you do well?

Difficult to say as I was clueless then! It was a ‘play money’ game anyway so if it went badly it really didn’t matter.

How often do you play poker?

About 5 or 6 times a week depending on when the kids will let me use the PC!

What's your favourite book?

Anything that’s going to get me through my current studies pronto!

Do you have a favourite film?

No… anything with a good story line that catches the imagination works for me.

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Guest gazza271

Re: The Sun Poker Championships mate that is excellent, if i dont qualify then i def gonna come along and cheer you on.......however.......i think the photo needs to be shown.....

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Re: The Sun Poker Championships Seems like they edited it pretty heavily (oh and a well-deserved "WELL DONE, FELLA!!" from me. Hope you thump 'em whilst bringing your A-game on the 3rd December). ========= http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2005480584,00.html 0,,2005490029,00.jpg BRIAN BRADLEY is the first qualifier for the Sun Poker Championships to be held at the Palm Beach Casino in London. The 38-year old purchasing officer registered as PLBrael2 has only been playing for six months. But he will be vying with six other online qualifiers for awards including our top prize of a Mini Cooper, a holiday for two to Las Vegas and a £1,000 spending money. Bradley said: "I've had some great fun with Sun Poker. "My favourite moment was playing heads-up in The Sun weekly qualifier final when I called my opponent with a pair of threes and won. "The final clashes with my football team Greenock Morton's game against rivals Partick Thistle. "But how could I miss this one?"

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Re: The Sun Poker Championships

"But how could I miss this one?"
Cheers Stereoman!! I presume this is in the print copy of today's Sun? Brael will I'm sure be buying a few copies!!!! Just out of interest .... that quote above, did you ever say that in any context, or did they just invent it totally? Nice photo - don't see what's scary about it (though I may get it out for my sisters on Haloween ;) ) Good to see that they mention the holiday to Vegas as well - because that doesn't seem to be listed in their list of prizes :eek
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Re: The Sun Poker Championships

Just out of interest .... that quote above' date=' did you ever say that in any context, or did they just invent it totally?[/quote'] Invented unfortunately. I hate missing home games and this will be the second time this season! :wall Flattery will get you nowhere! :lol
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Re: The Sun Poker Championships

Maybe you could use your Premiership tickets whilst down (some small consolation?) Don't know who's playing in London that weekend ...... (or what time your final is)
Haven't heard anything about the tickets yet. I keep meaning to e-mail Pacific Poker and ask them what's happening but keep forgetting about it. If it had been the trip to Vegas I'd have been champing at the bit to get it arranged!! It would be a nice tie-in. I'm hoping the final is during the day though or I may have to splash out on a dress jacket just to get through the door!! :lol
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  • 3 weeks later...

No photo for Jamie! http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,3-2005480584,00.html Second guy to qualify and thus one of brael's opponents will be Jamie Boyd. ========== JAMIE BOYD became the second Sun poker player to make it to the Grand Final at the Palm Beach Casino later this month. The British Airways worker, 40, from Crawley only started playing at the beginning of this year. He said: "I always enjoyed a game of cards. Then the televised finals of the World Poker Tournament really gave me the bug for it. "I play online now whenever I have a few hours to spare in the evenging. Getting through to the Sun Poker Final, though, is definitely the highlight of my poker career so far." Jamie is now in with a chance of winning the top prize Mini Cooper, holiday for 2 to Las Vegas and $1000 spending money.

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Re: The Sun Poker Championships http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2005520339,00.html Third guy to qualify. He's called Antonio Passantino. =============== 0,,2005520486,00.jpg The Leopard pounces By TERRY LAND ANTONIO PASSANTINO calls himself The Leopard when playing Sun Poker. And now the big cat is going to Palm Beach Casino for the Grand Final. The 28-year old retail worker explained his unusual nickname. He said: "Although I now live in Evesham in Worcestershire I am originally from Sicily in Italy. "One of my favourite films was shot on the island. It's called Il Gattopardo - Italian for the leopard - and starred Burt Lancaster. "Now I use the name Gattopardo when I'm playing Sun Poker." A way with the cards seems to run in the Passantino family. He added: "My brother is a good poker player and he taught me how to play about a year ago. "I've always liked a bit of a gamble whether it is on the horses, dogs, football or now poker. "Now I play a couple of online tournaments a week."

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Re: The Sun Poker Championships http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2005530401,00.html Fourth guy to qualify. He's called David Murray. ========== 0,,2005530441,00.jpg Mystery goes a long way DAVID MURRAY goes by the name of Dammuzz when enjoying a hand or two of Sun Poker. Keeping your cards close to your chest as you sit around a table is vital — and a little bit of mystery also goes a long way online. Your opponent may not be able to see you but the unknown can be used to put an element of doubt into your fellow players. Thanks to a combination of his initials and his school nickname Muzz, 41-year-old Murray managed to do just that to book a place in our Grand Final at the Palm Beach Casino. The general manager from Somerset said: "I started playing online about 18 months ago. "But I didn't start using chips at home until a few months back when my brother James bought a set. "Online I have always done really well, but for cash against my family I never seem to win. "I play about twice a week now online, although it used to be a lot more. "As a family we try a get a game on a Sunday afternoon at my sister Amanda's just before or after lunch."

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Re: The Sun Poker Championships Here's the latest qualifier - haven't seen Fenner go up yet....... Despite what they say, there is a final chance to qualify in a one off freeroll (Monday 28th November) - registration is already open for this.

NEIL HART hit all the right notes when he became our last qualifier for the final of The Sun Poker Tournament. The DJ, nicknamed Rippy, from Essex only began playing the game two months ago but won in the freeroll. He said: "I'd never played poker before but it sounded like fun! I played free tournaments online and started winning cash. "My first game was a freeroll on one of the major poker sites, unbelievably I actually finished in the money. "It must've been a huge run of luck I had though, I even had an internet guide to Hold'em open, reading the rules as I was playing." The 23-year-old is now looking forward to a place at the final table at the Palm Beach Casino in Mayfair, London. He added: "It was a nice feeling when the last river came out & I knew I'd won it!
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Re: The Sun Poker Championships

Despite what they say, there is a final chance to qualify in a one off freeroll (Monday 28th November) - registration is already open for this.
Good try by GAF to confuse his main opposition ( :rollin ) but I think its Nov 26th (Saturday) at 8:00 pm... or at least thats what it seems to say when I registered. A last chance to joine Brael and Fenner in the limelight :ok :hope
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Re: The Sun Poker Championships Well done Phil - hopefully a lot of people will miss it - this is what it says on the Sun website ......... but I've checked and you're right!!! Looking low entry at the moment (less than 100!!!) A final chance to win ONE LAST CHANCE to win seat in the Sun Poker Championships Grand Final to be held at The Palm Beach Casino on 3rd December 2005. That’s right folks, 8 lucky winners have made it so far but there’s room for one more and if you want to be that lucky person, make sure you logon on and register for the final “free for all freeroll” on Monday 28th November at 20.00 GMT (no entry requirement)!!!

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Re: The Sun Poker Championships Been trying to download sun poker but it kept saying it was corrupt so i e mailed the help desk and they sent me the file in an attachment only problem is it is the Victor Chandler version. Is there anyway anybody can send the sun version cos i want to have a go at being ridiculed over how my picture would look when i win the free roll. Anybody help!

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