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Advice for $10 games?


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Okay, I realise many people play far bigger tourneys than this, but I'm in a $10 MTT at SO which is the biggest tourney I've ever intentionally played. (Don't ask about the intentionally played bit!) Anyone who usually plays this level got any hints? I'm trying to be tighter than normal, because I'm assuming the skill level's a damn sight higher than the people in the tiny stakes games I normally play. Oh, and I fully realise the step up's STUPID, I'm just desperate for an MTT and it's the only site I have any cash in :sad

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Re: Advice for $10 games?

Okay, I realise many people play far bigger tourneys than this, but I'm in a $10 MTT at SO which is the biggest tourney I've ever intentionally played. (Don't ask about the intentionally played bit!) Anyone who usually plays this level got any hints? I'm trying to be tighter than normal, because I'm assuming the skill level's a damn sight higher than the people in the tiny stakes games I normally play. Oh, and I fully realise the step up's STUPID, I'm just desperate for an MTT and it's the only site I have any cash in sad2.gif
To be honest as far as i've noticed there isn't really a particularly higher skill level on $10 tournaments than $5 ones laugh4.gif especially at the weekend........... A lot of people seem to play levels depending on how deep their pockets are rather than going by their skill level happy.gif play tight to begin with, but be aggressive when you have the cards ................ and don't be intimidated by the other players. bigokay.gif Oh yeah ...................
which is the biggest tourney I've ever intentionally played
go on ............ you know you want to tell us the story wink2.gif
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Re: Advice for $10 games?

go on ............ you know you want to tell us the story wink2.gif
Ummm... was on Betfair, tried to sign up for a £2 entry MTT which was about to start, so was in a rush. There was a £20 MTT starting at the same time - I'll leave you to fill in the rest! Sad thing is, didn't realise until I got knocked out and checked my account balance!! Thanks for the advice, 112 started, down to 56 and I'm still in :) Although far too close to the bottom :(
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Re: Advice for $10 games?

I'm in a $10 MTT at SO which is the biggest tourney I've ever intentionally played. (Don't ask about the intentionally played bit!)
You CAN'T leave it at that...... The only $10 games I've played are the PL league .... so I can't help there I'm afraid.....
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Re: Advice for $10 games? 18th out of 47 atm (it's the break) I have 3325 chips, leader on 10065, 10th (lowest to be paid out) currently on 5037. Have done well on two hands, called an all-in with AKo - he had KQo, neither of us improved. And checked ATo with an AA6 flop, he raised big, I reraised, he folded. :)

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Re: Advice for $10 games? Out in 42nd after misreading someone completely. Guy raised big 3 hands in a row, scaring people off. He did it again for the 4th hand, I had AT suited. Thought there HAD to be a good chance of him bluffing - I reraised all-in, he had TT and caught the other T on the flop. No aces to help, and me gone.

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Re: Advice for $10 games?

Out in 42nd after misreading someone completely. Guy raised big 3 hands in a row, scaring people off. He did it again for the 4th hand, I had AT suited. Thought there HAD to be a good chance of him bluffing - I reraised all-in, he had TT and caught the other T on the flop. No aces to help, and me gone.
This is not unusual - this is one of my biggest downfalls and this is why you don't find me posting on the bad beat thread (I blame myself as a sucker). I find myself at fault as I either think that they were bluffing/stealing blinds and don't think that there is a chance of someone getting a good run of cards.:$ It can be a bit of a lottery getting a good table - some are a bunch of all in idiots, others play tighter than a duck's ar$e and fold at a smal raise, others are players like you and me but sitting at a table with them is pot luck. I am sure that many of us would have played the hand like you did in those circumstances - chin up.
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