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Rebuys/Add-ons in MTTs - any thoughts?


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Hi fellow poker junkys...... :drums hey, first post and furthermore its a Sunday morning and I'm up at this time. Just played $1000 guaranteed $3+0.50 Limit tourney on Bet365 and it had re-buys / add-ons. Initial entry was about 180, so at start you are on positive expectation (i.e. more money in the pot that has been contributed by punters - thats what I like to see ;) ). My opinion in these sort of games is that you don't do rebuys/add-ons basically because if you do then all you are doing is buying into a game with lesser return. Also if your luck ain't running, which is presumably why your wanting more chips in a limit tourney, then best to give up once initial stake gone. Intend to experiment playing exceeding tight over the next few Sundays, provided I can get up for its 8.30 am (GMT) start, with this one and see if I can take some of the prize money for just the basic entry fee. Phil :cheers Anyone any thoughts on my thoughts.

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Re: Rebuys/Add-ons in MTTs - any thoughts? Hi phil and :welcome to the forum mate. Generally when a good player rebuys in a tourney he is making a bet with a positive expectation - in the long run he will get more back than he is investing in. Of course there are times where it can be ridiculous, perhaps the average at your table is 25k chips and you are rebuying for 1500 - this probably is not worth it but I am of the opinion that 98% of the time rebuying is. You can do well playing tight or loose during the rebuys - either works it just depends on your style as a player, do what works best for you. If you play loose and have a few rebuys a lot of players feel this is ok as when the tournament proper starts you can play better than the others at your table who have the chips and win them back setting you up for a grandstand finish later on....Playing tight is a fair strategy as well - you can get a nice return on your initial investment - but dont be afraid to take your chances when you have good pot odds at the cost of a rebuy. Let us know how you get on, are you a MTT player mostly phil? Jez

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Re: Rebuys/Add-ons in MTTs - any thoughts? As a general rule I try not to rebuy in an MTT. I agree with you Phil in that playing tight is the way to go in the rebuy period. The rebuy period is just like the first hand of a freeze out MTT. You get the odd muppets who will throw their chips in the middle with any kind of semi decent hand. I find its best just to sit tight in the rebuy period and wait for a premium hand or see the odd cheap flop and hope to make something or get a draw. But even with a premium hand you could be getting 3 or more players taking you on, which is good for the chips stack if you win, but you would usually have to hit something as the chances are that atleast one of them will. Obviously I do have the odd rebuy and the cheaper the tourney the more I would allow myself to rebuy. I find that the more I rebuy the looser my play becomes and I just think the rebuys arent worth it . If your rebuying for $3 into a table where a lot of the players have 2, 3 or 4 times as much chips as you, then its not worth it, move on to the next tourney. I think thats the beauty of online play, players feel like they can take more chances as if they get knocked out the next tourney will start in a few minutes. Where as If I were playing a real game where I had made the effort to get there and realised that when Im out, im out and Ive gotta go home. Well that sucks:cry Although I am determined to give real play a crack, only as it may give me a chance to gun down Jez:rollin

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Re: Rebuys/Add-ons in MTTs - any thoughts? Hi Phil :welcome to the PL I'm afraid I generally don't play in rebuys as I prefer freezeout competitions. When I do play in rebuys, I would only rebuy if it was early enough in the tournament that the rebuy would make my stack a decent size relative to the other players. If the rebuy is going to leave me with a relatively short stack, then as Plow-King said its better to move on to the next tournament as you are generally throwing your money away. The same would apply to add-ons .............. If it would make a significant difference to my stack, then I'd add-on, If it wouldn't make a significant difference then I wouldn't bother.

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Re: Rebuys/Add-ons in MTTs - any thoughts? I play rebuy tourneys regularly and always rebuy if the table has a good level of chips left just like Plow said. As for add-on's I am strict and always let msyelf buy them if I am near the top of the leaderboard just to give me more of an advantage in the later rounds. I have been playing the VC Poker Cup MTT's and in those I have kept to a strict rebuy pattern where if I lose my stack I will refuse to rebuy as if I did end up making it to the Grand Final (which I have 2 times so far) I would not be able to rebuy as much due to the rebuy cost being $209 and the only time I would buy chips at that type of game would be when it was the add-on period. One of the biggest gripes I have of rebuy games is knocking someone out and then seeing them add more chips. It makes your victory seem a little bittersweet. But thats just me talking!

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Re: Rebuys/Add-ons in MTTs - any thoughts? Hi Jezza, I generally do a few freezeout MTT's provided they are good value. Freerolls or guaranteed payouts where the entry fee multiplied by the competitors means they are giving away money. Mostly recently I've been experimenting with £5+0.50 STT on betfair - current result is 21 played £20.50 profit. So average about a £1 profit per game or (say) 70p per hour - good job I enjoy the game - not even minimum wage! Am trying to work my way up the food chain - but playing with bookies money rather than my own - just about working..... find that the biggest problem is keeping concentration and finding a formula where I play the same people regularly so you can identify the muppets easier using the notes :-), mind you downside of that is that they also recognise me and adapt their game appropriately. The profits so far payed for a week in Vegas at Xmas :-). Even made money at the cheapo $1/3 limit tables in the Excalibur - not bad given house rake, dealers tips, and tips for the cocktail waitress. My biggest failures haves been any sort of foray into real money tables - suspect the real heavy money is to be made there but don't think I have the right temperement for them.

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