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Odds help


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Just trying to work out what the odds were for this pot. Firstly the background to the pot. $2/$4 NL Seat 2 raises $14 Dealer calls $14 SB raises $42 Both Seat 2 and dealer call, everyone else had already folded. Pot $136 Flop 7h Jd Td SB bets $150 Seat 2 folds Dealer goes all in for $248.34 SB calls Pot $632.68 Dealer turns over Qd Kd SB shows Ah As I won't tell you which one I was yet, or who won the pot, but I just wanted to know what the odds were with 2 cards to come.

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Re: Odds help Hmmm. Just goes to show how you can't help but be lucky sometimes when it's a general 50/50 shot. Next time you do that, you might lose. :( Count yourself lucky this time that you got away with it. ;) Me? I couldn't handle the potential swings (I'd be right moody if I lost a pot like that and I'd go loopy nuts with delusions of invincibility if I won. :rollin).

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