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10k freerolls through May at bet365


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Re: 10k freerolls through May at bet365 Nice one. Just went out in 590th. Went all in on A9 hearts. All folded apart from one who went all in with a pair of jacks. Flop came out with two hearts, but didn't catch either the heart or ace I'd have needed. Went out the next hand when I was on BB and got J4o. Didn't have enough to make the small blind so went all-in and got taken out - unsurprisingly.

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Re: 10k freerolls through May at bet365

Unlucky Dave:sad I'm just twiddling my thumbs, avoiding the all-in merchants right now.:zzz who else is playing?
Wasn't unlucky really - just a crap play. Going to have to go to bed in next 20 minutes or so , so wasn't planning on staying around for no reason.
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Re: 10k freerolls through May at bet365 I was playing, btu am now out. Raised in with pocket queens, got re-raised and called, then I re-raised again, one of them went all in and the other flat called it. Called in. Flop comes A83, first person bets, and with only 50 left I can only really call. Turn over and I'm facing a pair of nines from the original all-in, and A6 from the better. Knew I was probably a gonner with an ace on the board and a huge bet, but with only 50 left I wouldn't have been in any position.

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Re: 10k freerolls through May at bet365 I was up to 3k chips...... Flop 678 I have 77 I bet guys turn Q he checks I bet 1500..he calls river 10 (sigh but I have to call now) - he bets 500 I call..he has J9 for straight down to 100 chips see you later guys :lol

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Re: 10k freerolls through May at bet365 GL all :hope I'm getting fed up wasting an hour on freeroles, not getting any cards, then going out anyway when i get short stacked and have to go all-in ...................... I think I might have to try a new tactic and go all-in first decent cards i get and try and double up early. :ok

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