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Bad hands


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I don't mean 27s, but what are some really bad hands in poker? I mean ones that people play too much, when they should fold them straightaway. First nomination Axo, where x=2-9 I can see some justification for playing suited aces, especially one's which present straight opportunities, but these hands must be the cause of a massive amount of lost money.

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Re: Bad hands We all know what the bad hands are in poker, i think what a lot of people don't realise is the amount of trouble hands that people insist on playing. Here are a few which i commonly seen played bad; A-J = This hand can't take much pressure pre-flop, I see people cold calling 3 bets pre-flop and then complaining when they are outkicked at the river or busted by an overpair after they spike a jack. A-xs = As soon as people see a suited ace, they see a big payoff in their midst. In reality that flush doesn't come around that often, they don't help themselves when they call big bets on the turn getting the wrong odds nearly every time to complete their hand. 67s/78s = You have to be a solid, experienced player to get these hands right, a lot of pros say that these are some of the best hands to play and I agree that they can be monsters if you find the right flop. The mistake people make with these hands are overplaying them. J-10s is a lot stronger than both of these as every straight it makes is the nut straight, it's never nice to be all in on the ignorant end of the straight with a bigger one out there. Just some of my thoughts, I gotta remind you I'm primarily a limit player on party so I see mistakes seemingly every hand. I was gonna mention Q-Jo but I could be here all day talking about people playing that. It helps that my buddy list is full of fish I have played with so I can find them easier :D

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Re: Bad hands Personally I always see AJ AQ and KQ being overplayed. These are HUGE trap hands in NL hold em, you will either win a small pot with them or lose a huge one (you need the nut straight or a house to win a large pot with them). I would rather have 56o in a raised pot than AJ Jez

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Re: Bad hands It was interesting to see Phil Ivey losing in the WPT tournament thread calling an all in bet with AJ. I too hate AJ and I also hate JJ. The JJ is always a hand I want to fold but can't quite seem to. So is it fair to say that any hand with a J is cursed (or overplayed)

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Re: Bad hands Wasn't there a conversation about AJ during the tourney break yesterday. I went during the break and missed it. What was the general conclusion. Also what do people think of the call made by Phil Ivey. Should he have called or folded.

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Re: Bad hands Still a very raw learner at poker,and am playing as many freerolls as possible. But in my last four tourneys have got knocked out holding two pair.I seem to thing its invincible and get suckered in every time:o Can't seem to fold the damn hand when i know i should!:@

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Re: Bad hands two pair is a very dangerous hand......infact it causes the biggest losses for most people I guess - it looks so mighty when it isnt really - although top 2 is not bad it has to be said. Jez

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