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DanShot's Community Staking *Stakes Available*


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Hello so due to working shifts and not having a set routine trying to fit poker MTTs with 100% focus to proving to be a difficult obstacle , I would however still like to stay involved with the forum and particularly the poker section. My idea is allow fellow PLer's to add a risk free tourney to their schedule which is surely only a positive whether you have a bigger roll or whether your running on tight funds. I don't have the biggest fund so will be sticking with offering Micro-Small Stakes early on , terms may vary from time to time depending on the perceived risk. All I ask is that you give it your best shot as it will hopefully lead to continuing to allow more players to play more tourneys and in time hopefully bigger buy in's. Stake's coming soon (will mainly be on Stars or Full Tilt as can player transfer) , I welcome anyone PMing about staking regarding any games on other sites that happy to take Stars transfers. Most of all enjoy the game , hope some of you take the opportunity to get involved even if don't need back , this is an idea to build up the community spirit in this place :beer

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Re: DanShot's Community Staking Available Stake's : As these are NO Make-Up Deal's unless otherwise discussed the deal is 60/40 with Stakeback , so you get 40% of profits (which is pretty good if compare to staking sites). Any agreed MTT on Stars or Full Tilt just PM me which you would like to play (up to $3.30) Any 888 Game up to $3 also added Also looking at taking shares in people's games at face value (ie I take 20% - for 2euro if 10euro buy in) just to lower variance for both of us.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: DanShot's Community Staking *Stakes Available* 1st break 7693. Couple of key hands utg called bb so i just called with kjh and hit A flush on flop, and earlier on my bb 10 j, flop came jjq :) Will try and post, but will be busy later with a few games :loon I don't have table chat on, so can't reply to anyone!

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Re: DanShot's Community Staking *Stakes Available* 2nd Break 40500, about 11th place. Had JJ twice in a row, but think i folded good to AA 1st time, but 2nd time, i called and fortunately str on bd. Later i called 2 allins with 99 (If lost i woulda had 10k left), and 9's held up. Then later raised bb from my sb with qq, he threw allin, and my q's held up :) Onwards and upwards!

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Re: DanShot's Community Staking *Stakes Available* Great idea here Dan, have you thought about staking for some of the smaller sites as it could possibly mean more return for yourself? Personally, I would feel more comfortable on one of the smaller sites like 888 or PKR where I feel I could make us both some profit with less risk? Let me know what you think I'd be happy to play some micros/lower stakes on there if you can find a deal your happy with. Cheers

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Re: DanShot's Community Staking *Stakes Available* I only thought of them as easy to provide player transfers as they are the main one's usually have funds on however I do have some on 888 not much but would be happy for you play a couple of Micro's if you have some MTTs on there you like to play. I will PM you now

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Re: DanShot's Community Staking *Stakes Available* Next up is Hebert , Deal is 3 Micro MTT's on 888 , with stakeback & 60/40 my favour with a 50/50 split on all profit over $30 'The Two' $2 @ 7.45pm 'The Daily $1' @ 8.20pm 'The Grand Daddy' $3 @ 9pm Just post up once reg'd and try to screenshot the finishing position updates welcome if possible , good luck :ok

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Re: DanShot's Community Staking *Stakes Available* went out of the TWO quite early was drawn the worst table of pure idiots calling with anything....then one of them flops a straight with 9/7 off.... still, hopefully can do something in these final 2 tourneys, grand daddy just starting now ex1K37iKj and out of the daily $1...8 bb left shoved called with a/j off he flops aqj that was that :wall pbG8Oqpjj

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: DanShot's Community Staking *Stakes Available*

dan what kind of roll you start with for this .if you dont mind me asking
Not at all , all questions are welcome. I don't have a designated roll , and actually cut back on my own playing funds. The whole idea behind this was to try create a bit more involvement with players on Punters Lounge. Yes hopefully it gives me some fun sweat's but also wanted to provide a small service to the site , I will leave this thread open for as long as I can at least support players in Micro Stake's games in a friendly environment. So this is more a bit of fun.
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