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Ruby Tuesday 1/908/14


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Re: Ruby Tuesday 1/908/14 Well, great start, rebought already. AIPF with JJ vs 1010 and A9o. Guess which hand won that one? Might be a long night :) ..little update 1/11 at the moment with 2 seats up for grabs and a consolation for 3rd. Knocked out the person that sucked out on me earlier, so swings and roundabouts... :) The curse of the update...lost a load of chips since then, quite annoyed about 1 hand as was thinking about calling a river shove, and expected the timebank to kick in but it just folded my hand grr. Hopefully it saved me some chips. Still in with a shout, 2/10, and on break now. ...flopped a set against the table luckbox who shoves and hits an inside straight draw on river bah. Still in though, not giving up yet! ...and now final table time. 2/6, here we go. ...next break. Still 2/6 on ft, but stacks are starting to even out now.

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