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UK General Election

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Re: UK General Election

Exit polls saying excellent night for the tories and bad night for liberals and labour.........hope so but next few hours will tell us :)
Exit polls for Lib Dems are very misleading, they will do a lot better than that.
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Re: UK General Election How can you want Galloway to win Dave? This is man who quite happily sat next to Saddam Hussein (a man who killed and murdered thousands) as a friend. I find is quite shocking that he is going to win his seat, disgusting in fact.

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George Galloway wins With around a 1,000 majority over Oona King. I got it horribly wrong. Others did an' all. Some people must be laughing as they had 20/1 ante-post on George and he was backed all the way down to 2/1. Well done you lucky bastards. :lol

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Re: UK General Election Took Labour to have a majority of at least 100 seats (still 40 seats away with 82 left) at 6/5 yesterday - hope that holds out as it now seems a straight fight between Tories and Labour for most of those 82 considering the Lib Dems have taken their quota. ;) By the way, does anyone have a clue how the Monster Looney Raving Party fared? They were available at 500/1 to win a seat by Laddies... :rollin :rollin :rollin

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Re: UK General Election Looks like barring the worst bad beat of the century I'll ever get (the Tories winning the last remaining eligible ten seats, eight declared today and two recounted on Saturday), I'll have escaped with a £48.84 loss as I ain't winning any of my Northern Ireland bets (18 seats in Northern Ireland so no bother there). Some guy on Betfair supposedly lost £400 on Plaid Cymru winning Ynys Mon (11/10 or better was available on that Albert owen guy for Labour), I think. Some Liberal Democrat insider touted his party's chances a bit too much as well. I'm guess there must be some very happy spread-betting firms (and some punters who'll want to chuck themselves off the nearest available cliff). Good God. Why didn't I believe the hype on George Galloway? :@ .....leave personal emotions outta yer betting, fool! :spank 10/11 was avaialble on 10,000 or more votes at Skybet. We'll see how you like him Bethnal Green & Bow (voted in on the strange mandate of opposing the Iraq War. Fools.). Only ONE seat changed hands before 1am say Sporting Index (Gutted I didn't take the chance to sell at 47/50). Well done and commiserations to those of us who put our bets up before the election started at 7am whether or not they've won or lost. ....a close run thing with a few of the seats. Don't think the Official Monster Raving Looney Party won any more than 2,000 votes at any of their seats all night. 2009's potential election will be a cracker. Must load up on local knowledge next time 'round though. Lay Michael Howard, Tony Blair and Charles Kennedy being leader of their parties by the end of the next election?! :loon

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Re: UK General Election

How can you want Galloway to win Dave? This is man who quite happily sat next to Saddam Hussein (a man who killed and murdered thousands) as a friend. I find is quite shocking that he is going to win his seat, disgusting in fact.
I find BNP supporters just as shocking.
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Re: UK General Election They lost a lot of votes in Oldham though Paul (which after the last election was where everyone thought they might win this time round). But I suppose if they put all their efforts into one constituency (effectively what Respect did with Galloway) then anyone has a chance of winning a seat.

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Re: UK General Election

Some Liberal Democrat insider touted his party's chances a bit too much as well.
To be fair to him, although he predicted more seats, he was pretty much right - the Lib Dems got a bigger percentage increase in the vote than Labour or the Tories, their highest number of seats ever (with more still possible). The only problem was, while they were taking bucketloads of Labour voters, they were unable to have the same effect in the Tory/LD marginals.
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Re: UK General Election

Ok, my bet for the election. Buy Liberal Democrat seats 5pts @ 66.8 All the signs are pointing towards the Lib Dems taking at least 62 seats and the momentum has been with them for nearly a week now. But if they can get the 25% share of the vote that some opinion polls are talking about (along with the impact of tactical voting in Con/LD marginals) then somewhere in the high 70s or (if things all fall into place) low 80s is not out of the question.
59 seats so for, 3 more likely, so a loss, but only small. Looking like 62, which is what I said would be the lowest outcome.
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Re: UK General Election What is the overall majority? is it 66? If so I am VERYYYYYYYYYYYYYY happy, and the fact that Shipley lost by 400 votes, means i'm pissed off cos the tories are in...but then again I did win money! Sco

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Re: UK General Election Michael Howard has resigned as Conservative Party Leader. The third to do so in the last four years. And as Tony Blair has already stated he won't lead another term in 2009, many people believe Gordon Brown will be the next Prime Minister.

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3 SDLP MPs! Lucky escape for me or what?! :clap Paddy's have yet to pay me though but when they do, I'll have £125 profit. :dude ....could have been a lot more if I bothered to do my research though. :( The magic men? Alasdair McDonnell (South Belfast - he wasn't expected to win it!), Eddie McGrady (South Down) and Mark Durkan (Foyle). I'll do my research in a more sober manner next time around though. Half-hearted and it should have been more thorough. Lucky, lucky escape and I end up just over £75 in profit. "ROLL ON EUROVISION!!" :rollin

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