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Samba's Lucky 15 **Off and running**


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Re: Samba's Lucky 15 **Off and running** Out 50th of 143. Through blinds once, moved table, through blinds again and I was down to 6 x BBs, got AQ on button and was all in v 2 x AKs which held. This staking's been hard going, but this is the most disappointed I've been. By far! Just shit

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Re: Samba's Lucky 15 **Off and running** Learnt something tonight.... Flopped straight flushes are easy to play and hard to play against :loon I've seen 2 in the space of 10 minutes :eek First one knocked me out of the Full House, my 'calculated' risk given the board played out a straight as well as the flush and I had the Ace - didn't factor into the calculation that Villain may have flopped the world and have :5c: :7c: on the :4c: :6c: :8c: flop!! Second one saw me with the :7c: :8c: on the flop of :4c: :5c: :6c: Must be improbable to see 2 straight flushes in such a short space of time playing just 2 tables, never mind seeing 2 of the same suit.... never mind seeing the EXACT SAME one... :eek :eek

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Re: Samba's Lucky 15 **Off and running** Finishing stake as planned. Late reg'ing now. But you're cheering WicketWalker99 in the tournament. Having to play on Rhino's account as says my £23.odd balance is actually 'N/aN', whatever that means but it won't key me register. So Rhino's letting me send him the money and use his account :hope for a last hurrah Sent from my GT-I9300 using PL Forum

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Re: Samba's Lucky 15 **Off and running** Returns :$ rocque - 5 shares - $4.07 danj2202 - 17 shares - $13.84 heniek31 - 4 shares - $3.26 CowsOnTilt - 4 shares - $3.26 Rivrd - 5 shares - $4.07 ooblio - 10 shares - $8.14 Rhino Power - 5 shares - $4.07 Apologies again :(

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Re: Samba's Lucky 15 **Off and running** Sorry, been busy bee this week with schools being back. I really do appreciate the sentiment guys, but feeling really deflated poker-wise after the last few weeks. It's not so much that there was so little return, rather how poorly, apart form a couple of tournaments, that I played. Gonna have a break I think, definitely from playing with other people's money at risk. Will see how my mental state, lol :sad, is tomorrow after I finish, then make a decision :cheers

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Re: Samba's Lucky 15 **Off and running** How about the Super- and Mini- Sunday on WH? €25 and €5 so approx $42, so would use the little bit winnings there were, and we'll just follow the terms set out in the OP so the first $285 will be returned to stakers before sharing. I'll PM you all after footy and basketball this morning

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Re: Samba's Lucky 15 **Off and running** No joy once again, but I'm not beating myself up tonight (you guys can do that)!! Out 41st in €5, had flush draw on flop, turn I represented the Ace, he called, river brought my flush so hopefully he has that Ace, money went in, he had been calling along with the flush draw to the King. My stack on river was a pot-size bet, felt to get most value I had to put it in reasoning he had the Ace to call the turn, and if I just check he will check behind. In the €25 one, I flopped top pair, turned top 2 pair, money went in, he had flopped trip 8s Again, thanks all, and, again, sorry for the lack of success.

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