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Getting back in to it


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Havn't posted in the poker section for a while, have been busy with work and other things that have prevented me playing for a while just when I felt I was starting to get a good grip on the game and was playing confidently. Other commitments meant withdrawing alot of my BR, so I am going to start with $50. There will be no real guidelines to start with as i'm not sure how often i'll be able to play and how much time i'll be able to commit but hopefully I can get a good few tournies in each week and start from there. Will more than likely leave stars and FT alone for now and mainly play on the euro sites as fields are smaller and I generally have a better record across these sites! I'll keep this as a bit of a log and hopefully not go broke too quickly :lol

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Re: Getting back in to it there's a cool promotion on 888 where you can win a trip to vegas for the wsop and that is worth focusing on i think. take the trip, play the tourney and live in the room like howard hughes come back from vegas with most of the 1000 dollars in spending money they give you, well thats my plan anyway!

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Re: Getting back in to it Just a free one mate called poker score. Have been playing mainly on laptop and pokertracker slows it down a hell of a lot and crashes it now and then. So I think for the time being it'll be better just using this where I can just keep track of profit and loss. naf9x8j

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Getting back in to it so, a quick update: I've managed to get my most recent results in to pokertracker since I started this challenge and things aren't looking to bad. Over the next few weeks I'm thinking i'll try and concentrate on satellites more as qualifying for bigger tourneys might be more worth my while. here's the graph so far: https://imageshack.com/i/jwtho6j

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Getting back in to it will update this again later, its been a while. I've only managed around 70 or so tourneys since I started this but was hoping to get in more. At a bit of a loss at the moment but hopefully can do something in tonights games!

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  • 5 months later...

Re: Getting back in to it Still not been playing too much lately. I've currently got $45.89 in my Stars account so using some really conservative BRM i'm going to see how much I can spin it too (or go broke!). Will be a mix of different games as and when I can play, which won't be very often. If anyone has any suggestions of games for this kind of bankroll would be glad to hear them. I'll probably mainly play the $0.25 45 and 180 mans for now.

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Re: Getting back in to it They seem like a good start if want to avoid variance a bit , would recommend that you mix in some $1 45 Man games too as structure in these is great. Believe all the 50c games are turbo and raked a bit higher obvs still quite soft but more swingy. Good Luck , I'm back to grinding 6 Max SnGs as of this month

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Re: Getting back in to it PokerStars Hand #122904986808: Tournament #997638256, $0.44+$0.06 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (100/200) - 2014/10/10 0:46:05 WET [2014/10/09 19:46:05 ET] Table '997638256 1' 9-max Seat #2 is the button Seat 2: doutor34 (4890 in chips) Seat 3: Tenu1 (1700 in chips) Seat 6: hebert8 (1465 in chips) Seat 7: eljulinero (2285 in chips) Seat 8: viva alge772 (3160 in chips) doutor34: posts the ante 25 Tenu1: posts the ante 25 hebert8: posts the ante 25 eljulinero: posts the ante 25 viva alge772: posts the ante 25 Tenu1: posts small blind 100 hebert8: posts big blind 200 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to hebert8 [Kd Kh] eljulinero: calls 200 viva alge772: raises 200 to 400 doutor34: folds Tenu1: folds hebert8: raises 1000 to 1400 eljulinero: folds viva alge772: calls 1000 *** FLOP *** [3h 7h 7c] hebert8: bets 40 and is all-in viva alge772: calls 40 *** TURN *** [3h 7h 7c] [Jc] *** RIVER *** [3h 7h 7c Jc] [3c] *** SHOW DOWN *** hebert8: shows [Kd Kh] (two pair, Kings and Sevens) viva alge772: shows [7s 2d] (a full house, Sevens full of Threes) viva alge772 collected 3305 from pot hebert8 finished the tournament in 5th place *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 3305 | Rake 0 Board [3h 7h 7c Jc 3c] Seat 2: doutor34 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: Tenu1 (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 6: hebert8 (big blind) showed [Kd Kh] and lost with two pair, Kings and Sevens Seat 7: eljulinero folded before Flop Seat 8: viva alge772 showed [7s 2d] and won (3305) with a full house, Sevens full of Threes Really?!

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