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10nl 6 max - AQo on the button

Phantom LImb

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i guess this is probably a 3 bet on the button, but just wondering how you guys play this situation. He seems to be betting pretty strong here into 2 players, so just not sure how to decipher between Ax, Set, or flush draw. Villians stats are 26/22 AF 6.0 over 103 hands. Hand Converted by Ace Poker Drills NL Holdem $0.1(BB) SB ($2.8) BB ($10.15) UTG ($11.48) HJ ($9.73) CO ($11.62) HERO ($15.9) Dealt to Hero :Ac: :Qs: UTG Folds , HJ Folds , CO Raises To $0.45 , HERO Calls $0.45 , SB Folds , BB Calls $0.35 Flop ($1.25) :8d: :Ad: :As: BB Checks , CO Bets $1.2 , HERO Calls $1.2 , BB Folds Turn ($3.65) :8d: :Ad: :As: :3d: CO Bets $3.5 , HERO ?

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