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10nl 6 max - Top pair, facing shove on the river.

Phantom LImb

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This hand has been bugging me for a couple days. Just wondering if his line makes sense here? I guess i should have bet the turn, so i sort of left the door open for a bluff if that's what this is. i only have about 22 hands on him , but he is 86/64 over that time. And his shove seems kinda sketchy. How do you play this? EZ call, EZ fold? Hand Converted by Ace Poker Drills NL Holdem $0.1(BB) SB ($7.76) BB ($14.8) HJ ($9.37) HERO ($16.72) BTN ($8.5) Dealt to Hero :Qs::Kh: HJ Raises To $0.3 , HERO Raises To $1.05 , BTN Folds , SB Folds , BB Folds , HJ Calls $0.75 Flop ($2.1) :Tc: :9h: :Kc: HJ Checks , HERO Bets $1.6 , HJ Calls $1.6 Turn ($5.3) :Tc: :9h: :Kc: :Ah: HJ Checks , HERO Checks River ($5.3) :Tc: :9h: :Kc: :Ah: :9d: HJ Bets $6.72 (all-in), HERO ?

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Re: 10nl 6 max - Top pair, facing shove on the river.

Calling every time' date=' he missed his flush. Typical low stakes play over betting a missed hand. Of course he could have you beat but in the long run it's still a call.[/quote'] Whats flush draws he got in his range?
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Re: 10nl 6 max - Top pair, facing shove on the river.

Whats flush draws he got in his range?
2 cards that are clubs? It's micro stakes poker but even at that level people want to make money out of there made hands and over betting won't achieve that. What could he have that makes the his hand a shove on the river? Even if he has the 9 of clubs or better would he bet that much?
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Re: 10nl 6 max - Top pair, facing shove on the river. Honestly I don't think there's enough information to make a 'correct' play here, sometimes he'll have a bluff sometimes he'll have the nuts but I don't think it's worth worrying about as the situation happens so rarely.

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