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10nl 6 max - raised on the turn with trips

Phantom LImb

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These spots seem to give me the most trouble. This guy was pretty aggro vs me the last few hands, first couple i just folded, so this is the first time i pick up any sort of hand against him. Not sure if just calling is the right play? Hand Converted by Ace Poker Drills NL Holdem $0.1(BB) SB ($4.35) BB ($18.21) HJ ($2.72) HERO ($10.15) BTN ($10.51) Dealt to Hero :7d: :8d: HJ Folds , HERO Raises To $0.3 , BTN Calls $0.3 , SB Folds , BB Calls $0.2 Flop ($0.8) :5c: :8h: :8s: BB Checks , HERO Bets $0.55 , BTN Calls $0.55 , BB Folds Turn ($1.9) :5c: :8h: :8s: :4h: HERO Bets $1.22 , BTN Raises To $3.04 , HERO ?

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Re: 10nl 6 max - raised on the turn with trips You got any stats? I doubt he's raisng a draw here as he can't really float w/air in a 3 way pot. Straight is doubtful, worse 8x hand is alos doubtful. so 55/44 seem the most likely, with a8s not far behind. If you think its likley he's blufing rather than raising a nutted hand, just let him hang himself. if he's like 18/16 reggy s tstas, I could find a fold/

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