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Thorsday 11/07/13 Where are you playing?


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Re: Thorsday 11/07/13 Where are you playing? Just left in the Newmarket Freeroll & Talksport Freeroll ( just missed out on $100 bounty A3 > bountys K9 & QQ ) flop 572r giving extra help but I brick out unfortunately , While at the same time last 2 hands in PL Boyle game , 1st Hand K10spades , flop A Q 9 (2 clubs 1 Spade) I make loose call with gutshot and backdoor flush possibilities) then turn is a Spade , I call pot then miss and give up river. Next hand UTG limps , SB minraises I call with A6 in Big Blind flop A63 , SB leads I raise UTG (who beat me in 1st hand) calls , SB folds. Turn 10 I bet then shove over his raise turns out he has a set no miracle ace on river , be back to donate next week :rollin

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