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Thursday 27/6/13 Where are you playing and keep us updated


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Re: Thursday 27/6/13 Where are you playing and keep us updated 7.30pm: Betfred - Sidegames freeroll (speed, £250 prize pool).. Yeah. Getting low, was put in by a slightly smaller stack. Called last few, and had K/7 v Q/5, no good obv. Dunno why he did it at that point, still at least 4 hands til his BB. Then put all-in next hand with 9/9 v A/4.. he'll get a straight after a 9 on the flop, obv. 8.00pm: Poker Stars - $2.20 speed ($500 added).. A/K v J/J, lost obv. 8.30pm: Betfred - £1 'Social League'.. Could go either way, 62/137. Who am I kidding.. I wouldn't mind one just fizzling out at this point, instead of having a crate of fish dropped on me from a great height. Not that I'm not one myself, but a crate of fish on a single fish will still hurt.. lol About 5 BBs left, shove A/Q v 8/8, lost obv. 8.00pm: Boylepoker - $5.50 Punters Lounge league.. Struggling. Slow playing a good flop to an every street raiser will see you lose to a runner runner flush, obv. Like 98% chance according to the calculator of real-life. / I'm doing better in this now, solely on pockets and an 8/4 fish call from the BB that hit two pair v 10/10. 3/15 / Two lots of aces and action since that. 1/9. Four pairs of kings, two pairs of aces, and one pair of queens have all won, and in that order.. must be pretty good odds in itself. / And aces again. / Well, I guess it all evens out (let's not mention the last 10 years).. I swam my way to second with a ton of luck.. the right man won though.. he had moves.. 2/78 ($72.50) 9.00pm: Swearing at the monitor again.. Pretty much guaranteed. ***POSTPONED*** Just another perfectly normal night of mathematical probabilities displayed in the form of a poker game.

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