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Chess - Linares 2005

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I don't know if there are any chess fans here - but just noticed what I feel to be a great value bet on this top event. It starts tomorrow, Weds 23 Feb, but will be in-play after for the whole fortnight or so. Linares is the arguably the top tournament of the chess calendar, and seven of the worlds' top players will be playing in this double-round robin event. There is a great preview here if you're interested www.chesscenter.com/twic/...eview.html I follow the chess world quite a bit - and think that the value bet here is definitely Leko at 5.00 to win the event. I've taken some anyway. He is getting better all the time -an extremely solid player, who nearly beat Kramnik for the World title at the end of last year. Almost certain to go unbeaten through the tournament IMO - and has won the event before. The favourite, Kasparov at 3.10, does seem to have lost his edge recently, but will still be difficult to beat in individual games and probably go unbeaten. However he is not always rolling over the weaker players anymore. Last year he conceded draws in postions that in the past he would have cleaned up - the fight seems to have gone a bit. The winner of this tournament will likely only need to score about +3 (ie, win 3, draw 9 would probably be enough), but Kasparov will suffer if not beating the lower rated players. Might tire towards the end as well, and does not play so many tournament games anymore. Did win a very strong Russian Championships recently though. Anand, second favourite, is just not value for me at 3.60. Great player, but I think always capable of losing a game or two in a tournament like this - ironically will probably win most games though to balance...but I'd want more here. Possibly another value bet is Adams at 15.0, another player who might go unbeaten here and might share in a multiple-tied event if the others all draw out against each other - would love to see him win this. The only markets seem to be at Betsson - Betfair, who usually cover the chess events seem to have missed this one. One thing - in the event of a tie (quite likely), then dead-heat rules apply, and I think you have to take that into consideration with the odds. Last year there was match betting on individual games - if so I'll certainly be having a go. Looking forward to a great tournament - like chess? - did you know you can actually watch the games live on the internet with radio commentary...fantastic stuff.

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Re: Chess - Linares 2005 Round 1: Leko - Kasparov Leko 4, Kasparov 5, Draw 1.4 Round 1: Topalov - Adams Topalov 3.25, Adams 6, Draw 1.54 Round 1: Kasimdzhanov-Vallejo Kasimdzhanov 3.5, Vallejo 5, Draw 1.5 Only ten minutes before round 1 starts, so will just state my preferences today. I think Leko - Kasparov draw at 1.4 is good value. Neither will want to risk much today - could be a very short game. I am leaving the others alone today.

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Re: Chess - Linares 2005 Amusing how kasparov is written off as past before each of these tournaments begin. Time and time again he proves his critics wrong. He is the best chess player ever. Dr Lasker was playing in tournaments right up to the age of 67, I wonder how long Garry can manage.

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Re: Chess - Linares 2005 Korchnoi would be the modern equivalent of Lasker, and Smyslov proabably had one of the best ever pensioner performances with his run in the candidates matches back in the 80's. Kasparov is far from that age - but still, he has put in one or two meek performances at the board in the last couple of years - meek compared to the younger all dominating Kasparov that is. Doesn't play too much nowadays either so maybe he knows it too? Still, not surprised he's the favourite still - just the value I'd suggest is with Leko. By the way - interesting game so far between the two today ..

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Re: Chess - Linares 2005 Yeah Garry aint on the pension just yet, he's 40ish I think. Won world crown in 85 aged 22 was it, hence around 40. Does he have the motiviation to win this ? As the world's worst loser I would say he does. He seems to have a knack of winning these super strong tournies, probably cos he is the best player ever. I remember posting something similar before on another board about don't write kasparov off and indeed he did win the tournament. But from a betting angle, I agree with you, backing Kasparov is not the smart play. The value probably does like with Leko. I think Kasparov SHOULD win, but it's not worth betting on. He is only human afterall, how long can his dominance continue ? How long can he stay competitive ? Hasn't done alot to show us his time is up just yet.

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Round 2 Round 1 (February 23, 2005) Kasimdzhanov, Rustam - Vallejo Pons, Francisco 1/2 Leko, Peter - Kasparov, Garry 1/2 :ok Topalov, Veselin - Adams, Michael 1-0 Free day: Anand Well, a good start for me there. Leko and Kasparov took a short draw in 26 moves - there was still quite a bit of play left in a quite interesting position - Kasparov was worse on time too, but it was Leko who offered the draw (psychologically a win for Kasparov there, with the black pieces too?) Adams played a highly agressive attack today and will probably feel hard done by - Topalov defended excellently though, finding all the moves under a lot of pressure. Adams had put himself in slight time trouble, but no excuses I'd feel. Kasimdzhanov had an edge against Pons, but it ended in a short 26 move draw as well - both obviously keen to get off the mark. So to round 2. Round 2 (February 24, 2005) Kasparov, Garry - Kasimdzhanov, Rustam Adams, Michael - Leko, Peter Anand, Viswanathan - Topalov, Veselin Free day: Vallejo Pons Stand out bets for me are the draw in Adams - Leko (1.35), and likewise the draw in Anand - Topalov (1.64) (all Betssons) Adams will be anxious to get off the mark - Leko will probably be wary of trying too much with the black pieces here - both players unlikely to risk anything IMO. Anand also had a terrible start to his last big tournament, and will want a solid start and has probably earmarked other later matches for wins. Topalov will be more than happy with a draw with the black pieces here to consolidate his lead. Definitely strong chances of a draw here - 1.64 looks very attractive. I'm leaving the Kasparov game - looking forward to it though. Will find out a lot from this game as to how much Kasparov is really up for this one.

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Re: Chess - Linares 2005 Good write ups Mr O. Can't disagree with any of your tips so far although I think Kasparov will be going all out to win the game today. It's early in the tournament, his energy levels should be pretty high and he'll be thinking this is a game he has to win if he's going to have a good chance of winning the tournament.

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Re: Chess - Linares 2005 Yes - you can view the games at the internet chess club - download some software and anter as a guest for free. Type 'follow chessfm' and you get live boards from the event, updated with the grandmaster commentary as it happens. Games start 2.30pm GMT every day (except march 1 and 7 as rest days) Round 2 results Kasparov, Garry - Kasimdzhanov, Rustam 1/2 Adams, Michael - Leko, Peter 1/2 :ok Anand, Viswanathan - Topalov, Veselin 1-0 :( Free day: Vallejo Pons I didn't see all of the games today, but the analysts are saying that Kasparov missed winning chances today - it does look like he has lost something of his edge these days, and will be disappointed not to have converted with the white pieces here. I saw the first 25 moves or so of Anand - Topalov. There was a clear opportunity to take a draw here - but Anand went declined in favour of trying for the win and got it. This moves Anand into the lead, and he's now the bookies favourite. Adams - Leko was drawn after only 18 moves. Leko really frustrates me with his lack of fighting spirit sometimes, but I saw this one coming I suppose:) . The reviews are confriming that in yesterdays game Leko - Kasparov, it was an unclear position with all still to play for when peace broke out - at least one player must have been in the wrong. I happen to think it was Leko - Kasparov only had about 6 mins left for the next 14 moves, Leko about 15 mins, and also the Leko had the initiative. For Leko to offer the draw really does show that he's still got a way to go to match these really big boys. Still, the 5.0 I took at the beginning was fair value - though I wouldn't recommend anyone jumping on right now. Kapsarov has drifted out to 3.5 now after his disappointment with the white pieces today, Anand in to 2.6. Round 3 (February 25, 2005) Leko, Peter - Anand, Viswanathan Kasimdzhanov, Rustam - Adams, Michael Vallejo Pons, Francisco - Kasparov, Garry Free day: Topalov Well, the big game is Leko - Anand of course, and I think draw at 1.33, 2 points is still good value here. Leko is of course good enough to hold anyone with the White pieces - and he doesn't seem to want to risk much in these big games - suppose he's looking for better returns with white later on in the tournament. Anand doesn't need more than a draw either here - though from a chess point of view I hope he goes for it a bit... he won't though so this is an easy bet as far as I'm concerned. The other bet I like here is to lay the draw in Kasimdzhanov - Adams - I'm trying to give 1.41 to win 2 points. These two now have a bit of history after fighting out the final of the FIDE knockout last July. That was a topsy-turvy struggle - Adams missing a clear win in one game. I just think that each has a point to prove here and will go for it. Adams played on even when completely lost against Topalov, and surely won't take a quick draw in this one (yesterday was different - had to get off the mark) - this game will be played out IMO, anything could happen. I'm leaving the Pons - Kasparov game, how is Kasparov going to react to yesterdays missed chances? - don't know. My record so far, Match Betting Selections 3 Correct 2 Strike rate 67% Staked 6.00 points Returns 5.50 points Profit -0.50 points Tournament Betting Leko 10 pts at 5.00, now out to 5.1 Adams 2 pts at 15.00, now out to 30.00:(

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Re: Chess - Linares 2005 Round 3 (February 25, 2005) Leko, Peter - Anand, Viswanathan 1/2 :ok Kasimdzhanov, Rustam - Adams, Michael 1/2 (:() Vallejo Pons, Francisco - Kasparov, Garry 0-1 Free day: Topalov Unfortunately I didn't get to see any of the games live today - but one thing about chess, you can play through the games afterwards as if it was happening right in front of you. Still - my thoughts are mainly based on the reviews given by the real experts. First to finish was Kasimdzhanov - Adams, a game which barely got out of the opening book. I'm surprised about this, really did think the game would be played out here - on a personal note, the good news for me is that no one took up my lay of a draw here at 1.41!! so in real-life I didn't lose here - still, I'll include the loss in my bet summary as I'd have been happy giving this bet - shame there is little interest in these markets... Second game to finish was Leko - Anand, which was by all accounts a standard Grandmaster draw, a short game - as I predicted...Again, Leko disappoints - but to be honest this was surely Anands fault, playing the black side of the Petroff - a defence which promises no more than a draw if wanted at this level. Last was Pons - Kasparov, and yes, Kasparov came through to win wit the black pieces...seemd Pons got into time trouble and blundered badly - still, have to hand it to Kasparov here - a great win that puts him jointly in the lead with Anand. Glad I didn't bet here - haven't made my mind up completely about Kasparov yet - good win today - but parhaps because of poor play by Pons. Still, that's what champions are all about - inducing mistakes by weaker players. Round 4 (February 26, 2005) Anand, Viswanathan - Kasimdzhanov, Rustam Topalov, Veselin - Leko, Peter Adams, Michael - Vallejo Pons, Francisco Free Day: Kasparov Two bets for me here - the draw in Topalov - Leko at 1.41 - I just don't believe in Leko with the black pieces here - super solid, taking no chances. In fact I'm going to double my stakes here - 4pts - Topalov has won and lost so far - some quite volatile games - I'm sure both players will steer this into a very quiet position and another quick draw is on the cards I think. The other bet is Adams - Pons draw at 1.71, 2pts - I think these are great odds. Both players are -1 for the tournament (both have lost a game) and both will know that another loss here is curtains - Pons is a bit of a draw specialist with the black pieces when playing stronger players. Adams, although having the white pieces, won't be unhappy with a quiet game I think - both will be happy here. As for Anand - Kasimdzhanov, I'm leaving this - arguably this is Anands chance to take this tournament, white pieces against the weakest rated player. Interesting match - the one I want to watch tomorrow, but no bet for me... My record so far, Match Betting (including a lost selection that wasn't matched...) Selections 5 Correct 3 Strike rate 60% Staked 8.82 points Returns 6.16 points Profit -2.66 points Tournament Betting Leko 10 pts at 5.00, now out to 5.2 Adams 2 pts at 15.00, now out to 42.00:(

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Re: Chess - Linares 2005 I was following the Kasparov game as it happened. The people commentating thought the line was drawn, this includes the grandmasters commentators. They had all missed the winning move B x g2. Pons blundered with Ra5 yeah but you still gotta find the win, which kasparov did, and everyone commentating seemed to miss. Pons put himself in terrible time trouble and kasparov was banging the moves out quickly putting him under enormous pressure, and it paid off. Nothing to get too excited about just yet. But beating someone of 2600+ with black pieces is nothing to be sneezed at.

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Re: Chess - Linares 2005 Alien - thanks for info - Pons does seem to put himself in time trouble quite often - still, from what you say, seems like Kasparov found a move or two that the watching grandmasters missed! Got to say, this is a big win for Kasparov, with black, puts Leko under the most pressure if you ask me - will have to open up a bit IMO and play out the games or else Anand and Kasparov will stay ahead...Hope Kasparov is up for the tournament now - he really is one player that when he feels like it can unbalance the positions and go for the wins - (Anand to a lesser extent) - Leko is just too solid sometimes - best when in front of a tourney, rather than chasing it - Kasparov has put the question to Leko today (don't forget - Leko has to play Black against Kasparov to come...)

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Re: Chess - Linares 2005 Round 4 (February 26, 2005) Anand, Viswanathan - Kasimdzhanov, Rustam 1/2 Adams, Michael - Vallejo Pons, Francisco 1-0 :( Topalov, Veselin - Leko, Peter 1/2 :ok Free Day: Kasparov Standings +1 Anand, Kasparov = Leko, Adams, Kasimdzhanov, Topalov -2 Pons Some great games today - more action than the previous rounds. Anand had an edge, but went wrong - ending up offering a draw just as the position had turned against him. Anand for an endgame that surprised the expert commentators who assessed the position in his favour before that decision. Kasimdzanov defended solidly, and with 4 draws so far has made an excellent debut here. Anand fails to take the tournament by the scruff of its neck... Adams played a little conservatively despite holding an eged from the opening. More directness was called for by the watching GM's - but Pons again got into time trouble (Adams was playing quite quickly as usual) - and then Pons made an inaccuracy and was clinically finished off by Adams. Pons is now rock bottom and faces a long tournament. Game of the day was definitely Topalov - Leko. Leko played a Sveshinikov Sicilian - in which he is arguably the Worlds leading expert (along with Kramnik) - it's a very double-edged choice, and an indication of a more fighting spirit from Leko. However, it was Topalov who came out on top - so much so that by the first time-control, Topalov had serious winning chances. Leko, as is his trademark, found excellent defensive tries, but even so he only survived as Topalov missed two clear winning moves in a row. Topalov will be devastated by this I think, Leko has been given a second chance... Round 5 (February 27, 2005) Kasparov, Garry - Adams, Michael Kasimdzhanov, Rustam - Topalov, Veselin Vallejo Pons, Francisco - Anand, Viswanathan Free day: Peter Leko Kasparov - Adams. Kasparov has three whites in a row starting today - unusual, but that's how the draw has panned out. In the past, this would be the kind of impetus for Kasparov to take hold of a tournament and put the rest under pressure. Coming off a rest day as well, I think Kasparov will be up for this, and come out fighting today. He saw Anand slip up a bit today, and Leko struggle too - just like Kasparov to take heart from his rivals performances. I don't think Adams has ever beaten Kasparov, but he's wuite capable of holding Kasparov to a draw. However, I'm taking the 2.20 on Kasparov to win, 2pts, even though these odds are on the short side. A little gamble here on Kasimdzhanov to beat Topalov. Topalov will be demoralised at letting Leko off the hook today. Kasimdzhanov has made a great start, solid chess. I'm taking Kasimdzhanov to win at 4.20, 1 pt. I'm leaving the last game. Anand is one of the World's faster players, and Pons could find himself short of time again. Odds on a win for Anand with black are far too low though I feel, and could so easily be a draw. Anand did not impress me today. My record so far, Small loss today, but Leko is still in this, and Adams right back in contention too. Match Betting Selections 7 Correct 4 Strike rate 57% Staked 14.82 points Returns 11.80 points Profit -3.02 points Tournament Betting Leko 10 pts at 5.00, now out to 5.1 Adams 2 pts at 15.00, now out to 16.5

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Re: Chess - Linares 2005 Ah the sveshnikov, I play this myself. Good agressive opening and I think it's considered a decent way of trying to play for a win with black. Some very sharp lines in it and if you aren't theory tastic you are in trouble. Often "natural" looking moves in it lose. Ah so now tomorrow we have Kasp-Adams. Here is a nice quote attributed to Nigel Short from the Martin Amis essay on Kasparov-Karpov battle of 1986. "When I played Karpov, it took me half an hour to get over my awe at playing the world champion. Then it was business as usual, just another game. With Kasparov - it's hard to describe. I found his presence uniquely disturbing. I have never faced such an intense player, never felt such energy and concentration, such will and desire burning across the board at me." People were saying back in 93 he's past it and look what he went out did, wiped the floor with everyone and won countless super strong GM tournies including a 9 in a row of top strength tournies I believe. He better not go out and get scubbed now otherwise I look silly ! But don't write him off !

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Re: Chess - Linares 2005 Reminded me of one of the all-time great sporting quotes: Nigel Short was playing Jan Timman - the winner would get to play Kasparov for the World Title. Kasparov was asked who he thought would win through to play him - and how he thought his match would go with whoever went through. His reply... 'It will be Short, and it will be short!!" - and it was! - classic quote -(even if it was a set-up)

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Re: Chess - Linares 2005 5kasada.jpg Round 5 Kasparov won a pawn out of the opening against Adams. Photo © Jesús J. Boyero,taken from The Week in Chess. Round 5 (February 27, 2005) Kasimdzhanov, Rustam - Topalov, Veselin 1/2 :( Kasparov, Garry - Adams, Michael 1-0 :ok Vallejo Pons, Francisco - Anand, Viswanathan 1/2 Free day: Peter Leko Standings +2 Kasparov +1 Anand = Leko, Kasimdzhanov, Topalov -1 Adams -2 Pons Kasparov came up with the goods today and now leads the tournament outright. Great technique shown - good performance. Anand tamely let Pons off the hook today - Anand was slightly better but couldn't make anything of it. Kasimdzhanov had another solid draw - taking a quiet line in the opening against Topalov. Round 6 (February 28, 2005) Kasparov, Garry - Anand, Viswanathan Leko, Peter - Kasimdzhanov, Rustam Topalov, Veselin - Vallejo Pons, Francisco Free day: Michael Adams The big boys fight it out today - perhaps a pivotal round in deciding this 14-round tournament. Kasparov has white against main rival Anand. Very interesting to see whether they fight this one out. Kasparov is the kind of player to go for the kill - has shown so many times before - but it is interesting he has white again tomorrow so may save himself. Quick draw a very real possibilty, and at 1.50 I'm taking the draw, 2pts, very good value I'd say, as Anand is looking decidedly passive... Leko has the white pieces against Kasimdzhanov, but have seen little to think that Leko will go for it and press home the advantage. Still, he is coming off a rest day, and must know that to have any chance of catching the leaders he must make the white pieces count in games like this one. Would like about 3.00 for a Leko win so leaving the 2.71 on offer. Lastly, Topalov - Pons, Topalov is looking quite good, but again the odds are not great, at 2.51 to win, I'm also leaving this one. My record so far, Back into profit today ;) Match Betting Selections 9 Correct 5 Strike rate 56% Staked 17.82 points Returns 18.20 points Profit +0.38 points Tournament Betting Leko 10 pts at 5.00, into 3.8 Adams 2 pts at 15.00, going out of this now I'm afraid :(

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Re: Chess - Linares 2005 Betssons - they cover all the big chess events. Betfair were late setting up for this one - and they only have a market for outright winner. There is also very little turnover at Betfair, and consequently the odds are much more competitive at Betssons for this tournament. I don't know of any other bookies covering this?

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Re: Chess - Linares 2005 6anakas.jpg Round 6 saw a heavyweight struggle between Anand and Kasparov which ended in a draw. Photo © Jesús J. Boyero Round 6 (February 28, 2005) Anand, Viswanathan - Kasparov, Garry 1/2 Topalov, Veselin - Vallejo Pons, Francisco 1-0 Leko, Peter - Kasimdzhanov, Rustam 1/2 Free day: Michael Adams Standings +2 Kasparov +1 Anand, Topalov = Leko, Kasimdzhanov -1 Adams -3 Pons It was Anand with the white pieces today - Betssons voided the market after having the wrong colours posted, annoying...that was a winning bet for me:( Back to the chess - Anand had a good advantage from the opening and was thought to have enough to win. However, rock solid play from Kasparov brought the draw. Kasparov has had the black pieces against both Leko and Anand and forced draws - with White pieces to come, Kasparov is now looking very good to win or at least take a share of the title. Leko had an advantage against Kasimdzhanov - but more good defensive play from Kasimdzhanov brought home yet another draw for these two. Leko still looking for a win here... Topalov smashed Pons today in a Najdorf Sicilian. Pons, as said earlier, is going to have a real struggle for the rest of the tournament. All the players will be looking to win against him, and confidence must be very low now... Rest day tomorrow, Round 7 on Wednesday My record so far, Very annoying today - Betssons voided the market after the game actually played was Anand - Kasparov, now Kasparov - Anand :( Match Betting Selections 9 Correct 5 Strike rate 56% Staked 17.82 points Returns 18.20 points Profit +0.38 points Tournament Betting Leko 10 pts at 5.00, into 3.20 Adams 2 pts at 15.00, out to 33.00

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Re: Chess - Linares 2005 That's rancid about the colours being the wrong way round. There was much debate about who was who on the site. The offical site got it wrong it would seem, ho hum. After a fine win over adams and some amazing defence against vishy it's time for another ass kiss Kasparov quote :) "Short is making a supreme effort, but he is facing a chess genius, a pulsating gigantic chess brain the like of which has never been seen before. What accentuates Kasparov's achievment is that he has moved smoothly into the lead on Nigel's home turf in front of a wildy partisan crowd who are, understandably, yearning for a Short victory. To face up to this kind of opposition as well requires nerves of titanium."

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Re: Chess - Linares 2005 Yes Alien :) ...when Kasparov was in his prime...still there? - possibly... Round 7 (March 2, 2005) Kasparov, Garry - Topalov, Veselin Adams, Michael - Anand, Viswanathan Vallejo Pons, Francisco - Leko, Peter Rest day: Rustam Kasimdzhanov All players have just had a rest day, all with different agendas for the rest of the tournament. I think bet of the tournament so far is Pons-Leko draw...odds are attractive at 1.60 too. Pons can be super-solid with the White pieces when he wants to be ie. now! Last time Leko had Black, Topalov had Leko on the ropes - of course Pons will have looked at that game, but it's a big shame Pons is not an e4 player. Still, don't think Leko will get enough here to push for a win, this has DRAW written all over it. I'm taking 4pts. Can't believe the odds here, should be about 1.30 IMO. The other games I'm leaving...

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Re: Chess - Linares 2005 Round 7 (March 2, 2005) Kasparov, Garry - Topalov, Veselin 1/2 Adams, Michael - Anand, Viswanathan 1/2 Vallejo Pons, Francisco - Leko, Peter 1/2 :ok (only 13 moves !!) Standings +2 Kasparov +1 Anand, Topalov = Leko, Kasimdzhanov -1 Adams -3 Pons Terrible days play - very short draws - no interest whatsoever. There was however the fantastic bet I mentioned, the Pons-Leko draw, so a nice easy profit for me:) Round 8 (March 3, 2005) Adams, Michael - Topalov, Veselin Vallejo Pons, Francisco - Kasimdzhanov, Rustam Kasparov, Garry - Leko, Peter Free day: Anand, Viswanathan Half-way mark of the tournament. It's the same pairings as round 1, with colours reversed. Analysis - very simple - 3 draws here, nobody will be taking any risks at all today. That's what I think anyway...as everyone is about where they expect to be, bar perhaps Pons and Leko (who has black against Kasparov - DRAW!). All the quoted draw odds are quite attractive again too... 2 pts on the draw at 1.60, 1.50, and 1.60 respectively. My record so far, 2.40 profit today:) Match Betting Selections 10 Correct 6 Strike rate 60% Staked 21.82 points Returns 24.60 points Profit +2.78 points Tournament Betting Leko 10 pts at 5.00, out to 10.5 Adams 2 pts at 15.00, out to 105.00 :o

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Re: Chess - Linares 2005 Cheers Norfolk;) Round 8 (March 3, 2005) Adams, Michael - Topalov, Veselin 1/2 :ok Vallejo Pons, Francisco - Kasimdzhanov, Rustam 1-0 :( Kasparov, Garry - Leko, Peter 1/2 :ok Free day: Anand, Viswanathan Standings +2 Kasparov +1 Anand, Topalov = Leko -1 Adams, Kasimdzhanov -2 Pons I didn't follow the games live all the way to the finish today. Suffice to say Kasparov had Leko on the defensive, some initiative, but drawn in the end. Likewise, Adams with some play diffused by Topalov. Surpise for me was Pons beating Kasimdzhanov - first win and first loss of the tournament respectively. Kasimdzhanov has impressed with his defensive abilities, but Pons broke through and finished off a technical win... Round 9 (March 4, 2005) Kasimdzhanov, Rustam - Kasparov, Garry Topalov, Veselin - Anand, Viswanathan Leko, Peter - Adams, Michael Rest day: Vallejo Pons, Francisco Only bet for me here is the draw in Topalov - Anand, 2pts at 1.50. Anand will not want to risk defeat with Black against a very dangerous opponent. A draw keeps his tournament hopes alive, so I expect Anand to look for drawing lines during the game, and keep the game balanced. I think with players as well matched at this level, that it takes both players to want a decisive result to get one. Of the other games, Kasparov will know that one more win will probably be enough to win this tournament now (at least share it anyway which amounts to pretty much the same I reckon). It's dificult to say how Kasimdzhanov will react to his first defeat - for all these reasons, draw or win for Kasparov possible, so no bet for me here. (Laying Kasimdzanov at 8 doesn't appeal, I suppose that means backing at 8 is value!! Whatever - I'm not on this!) As for Leko - when is he going to get going here. This is a last chance I'd say, and I'd like to think this will be played out. I'm not touching Leko with the white pieces here - anything might happen I suppose - but can't wait to back the draw with his remaining games with Black. My record so far, Small 0.40 profit today:) Match Betting Selections 13 Correct 8 Strike rate 62% Staked 27.82 points Returns 31.00 points Profit +3.18 points Tournament Betting Leko 10 pts at 5.00, out to 12.00 :o Adams 2 pts at 15.00, out to 100.00 :o

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