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Bovada 10nl 6 max - Raised on the river

Phantom LImb

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Just curious what your thoughts are when raised on the river here? This is actually a Bovada hand i converted. Found something that lets you convert the Bovada HH, so you can import into your tracking software. So at the time of the hand, i had no stats or anything, other than a read the player was pretty fishy. I tried to hide the results in a "Spoiler", but it seemed to mess up the format. I'm not exactly sure how to do it on this forum. Poker Stars, $0.05/$0.10 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 5 Players Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. BB: $13.52 (135.2 bb) Hero (MP1): $18.92 (189.2 bb) MP2: $7.20 (72 bb) CO: $1.61 (16.1 bb) BTN: $9.80 (98 bb) Preflop: Hero is MP1 with Aheart4.gif Aclub4.gif Hero raises to $0.30, 2 folds, BTN calls $0.30, BB folds Flop: ($0.70) 6club4.gif Kdiamond4.gif 3spade4.gif (2 players) Hero bets $0.45, BTN calls $0.45 Turn: ($1.60) Adiamond4.gif (2 players) Hero bets $0.90, BTN calls $0.90 River: ($3.40) 2heart4.gif (2 players) Hero bets $2.90, BTN raises to $7, Hero raises to $11.10, BTN calls $1.15 and is all-in Results: $19.70 pot ($0.98 rake) Final Board: 6club4.gif Kdiamond4.gif 3spade4.gif Adiamond4.gif 2heart4.gif Hero showed Aheart4.gif Aclub4.gif and won $0.00 (-$9.80 net) BTN showed 4diamond4.gif 5heart4.gif and won $18.72 ($8.92 net)

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Re: Bovada 10nl 6 max - Raised on the river You were raised on the river when the only hand that can beat you is 5-4. So very unlucky. But, I think your re-raise is the obvious play, especially at such low blinds. No point just calling when your odds of winning are so high. Maybe at higher blinds, you might not have got in this position. There's always some muppet going to call on the big blind with any connected cards just for the chance to take down AA with a lucky str8 or lucky flush and his total exposure is sub $10. The pre-flop raise of 3x big blind implies you are happy to be called, and you were, and you lost. Move on.

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