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a couple of micro hands.

Phantom LImb

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Hi guys, i'm a micro cash game player. I've used Leakbuster to try and help me figure out my leaks, it has helped me in a bunch of areas. but i still seem to have issues with Aggression, and either missing value bets, or attempting to value bet when i shouldn't be. I have been kind of reluctant to post hands, but am trying to get myself to do it more often, so hope to be more active. Here are a couple of hands where i just feel like i am being way too passive. so any advice you have would be great. I'm not entirely sure of the best format to post these, so hopefully i get it right. NL Holdem $0.04(BB) SB ($5.66) HERO ($4.06) CO ($4.4) BTN ($4) Dealt to Hero T:spade: 9:spade: CO Folds , BTN Folds , SB Raises To $0.08 , HERO Calls $0.04 Flop ($0.12) 9:diamond: 2:heart: J:club: SB Bets $0.1 , HERO Calls $0.1 Turn ($0.32) 9:diamond: 2:heart: J:club: T:diamond: SB Bets $0.27 , HERO Calls $0.27 River ($0.86) 9:diamond: 2:heart: J:club: T:diamond: Q:diamond: SB Bets $0.67 , HERO Calls $0.67 SB shows A:heart: 4:heart: HERO wins $2.13 2nd hand : NL Holdem $0.04(BB) SB ($8.97) BB ($4) HERO ($4.48) HJ ($5.28) CO ($6.41) BTN ($5.32) Dealt to Hero J:club: J:spade: HERO Raises To $0.12 , HJ Folds , CO Folds , BTN Folds , SB Calls $0.1 , BB Folds Flop ($0.22) T:spade: 9:club: 4:spade: SB Checks , HERO Bets $0.21 , SB Raises To $0.67 , HERO Calls $0.46 Turn ($1.56) T:spade: 9:club: 4:spade: J:heart: SB Bets $1.21 , HERO Calls $1.21 River ($3.98) T:spade: 9:club: 4:spade: J:heart: 7:diamond: SB Bets $2.2 , HERO Calls $2.2 SB shows Q:diamond: K:diamond: SB wins $8.02

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Re: a couple of micro hands. 2nd hand: With a drawing board I am definitely re-raising the villain on the flop, you don't want to let him draw for nowt - i might even be tempted to shove re-raise at that point because if you re-raise to $2 and he calls then what? Cheers

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Re: a couple of micro hands.

2nd hand: With a drawing board I am definitely re-raising the villain on the flop, you don't want to let him draw for nowt - i might even be tempted to shove re-raise at that point because if you re-raise to $2 and he calls then what? Cheers
Thanks! appreciate the feedback.
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Re: a couple of micro hands. Hand 1: I would be raising the turn, 2 pair is good HU, but need to shut out the draws - so make it another $ on top of his bet hand 2: pretty much the same - got to be getting your money in on the flop or at least raising substantially with your over pair against a drawing flop Cheers Damian

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