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Sunday Million Assault - 2013


Sunday Million Assault - 2013  

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O.k this one is close to my heart as I love this tourney but it is so frigging frustrating........we are owed BIG time...... I know we have had a few unsuccessful syndicate attempts but I thought i would gauge the interest for a New Year assault on it once again? ideally looking for a team of 10 once more.......... It would work on the same basis as before where we all agree to play a certain week - rather than transferring lots of cash, we each just buy-in for the full amount on our turn.... Then hopefully the only transferring is the hefty split of winnings.....

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Re: Sunday Million Assault - 2013 O.k...well some interest so far.....the plan will be to play this series in 2013 - starting in January - or later - I am sure we can all coem to some agreement - lets get the team together first. People who have shown interest so far: Me andyfmfb teaulc herbert10 burnleyjoe ooblio Would be good to get 4 more to make it up to a nice even ten......

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Re: Sunday Million Assault - 2013

can i have more details like how much .i dont really understand andy thanks
Hi Matey. It's the Poker Stars Sunday Million $215 entry. Basically we get 10 players, who want to be part of the syndicate. All, then pay themselves in on their respective Sundays (over 10 weeks). Hopefully we hit a profit, then divide it up between ourselves :ok
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Re: Sunday Million Assault - 2013 o.k peeps - this is good - we have 9 people.....i will make up the 10th with some added value by playing a second game so we have a 10 game stretch to play. Now all we have to do is nominate/decide what Sundays we want........please come forth and say - i suggest starting this Sunday... Jan 6th Jan 13th Jan 20th Jan 27th Feb 3rd Feb 10th Feb 17th Feb 24th Mar 3rd Mar 10th

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Re: Sunday Million Assault - 2013 best to put you in for 31st March then updated.... I have added some dates to make sure we can accomodate all.....this basically covers the first quarter of the year.....we will fill 10 of them and then go....at the moment the start looks like Jan 13th unless anyone can make this Sunday? Jan 6th Jan 13th - herbert10 Jan 20th - andyfmfb Jan 27th Feb 3rd - FearMe Feb 10th - burnleyjoe Feb 17th Feb 24th Mar 3rd - teaulc Mar 10th Mar 17th Mar 24th Mar 31st - ooblio

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Re: Sunday Million Assault - 2013 updated... Jan 6th - andybell666 (tbc as i may not be back in time) Jan 13th - herbert10 Jan 20th - andyfmfb Jan 27th - Goldenjaguar Feb 3rd - FearMe Feb 10th - burnleyjoe Feb 17th Feb 24th - andybell666 Mar 3rd - teaulc Mar 10th Mar 17th Mar 24th Mar 31st - ooblio

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